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  1. warriors/pallys MOP

    LESS BALANCE. All healers have a considerable buff. Druids are OP now and almost impossible to kill. HPallies are also OP i can crit 1.2k with an instant cast and heal +2k with my Holy Pally. Hunters now suck because healers cant go oom and all healing spells have been buffed. My Fury Warrior is...
  2. Holy pallies so funny :)

    My Hpally has always been an Hpally so ill my gear is amazing. I went 38-0, Top DPS at 98k and Top heals at 50k... and now i can jump into horde spawn stand there and literally spam denounce and holy shock... I literally charge 3 people at once and absolutely shit on them. And the speed buff i...
  3. MoP Warriors

    My Twink Warrior used to crit 400-1k but yesterday my crit from heroic throw was literally 32 dmg. My autoattacks do around 50 when they used to hit in the hundreds and my berserker strike which used to hit for 200 no crit hits for 80... How can they nerf an already weak class in this bracket? I...