Search results

  1. BWL Baddies looking for as many druids as possible. horde

    Bendandcough (Snowjobs) and I now have video recording capabilities so we will be making videos of our all druid PvP if that grabs anyone else that would like to come :) ...and cookies
  2. Interrupt Bar Addon for 20-24

    yeah im going through the tutorials but i need to set in timers, and possible changed timers for shamans depending on spec plus i was going to add gouge and disorienting shot. icicles does it all pretty well so far i was going to check out juked after if i had any issues with icicle.. but...
  3. Interrupt Bar Addon for 20-24

    Yes thats the one im talking about... im going to test the icicle add on out first then if i dont like it i will re write the bar for 20 to 24s :) if not you want help i could help you with it
  4. Interrupt Bar Addon for 20-24

    or that works too.. thank you :)
  5. Interrupt Bar Addon for 20-24

    I don't know if anyone else uses the addon interrupt bar, obviously to track interrupt cooldowns. Well it does not come with wind shear and has some spells that aren't used at this level so i am going to re-write the addon to simplify and make it best for this bracket. Would anyone else be...
  6. BWL Baddies - New Kid On The Block

    Oh haii :eek: Dis is Superbandito dohhhh (aka the other bend aka santa)
  7. BWL Baddies - New Kid On The Block

    After long disputes with my close relative, Bendandcough aka Snowjobs on these threads, I've decided to give WoW another go. Free is hard to argue with. So I will be making a druid for the full druid pre mades! Apparently, the BWL Baddies Possy has 15 current and ready to go 20's and are looking...