Search results

  1. 19 Rogue.. No skill needed.

    So I come back to my rogue and being the ex duel hero that I was... What the fuck is this crap? I mean seriously. No garrote, no slice and dice? I remember back in the day when a perfect opener was getting the sap, into a spin garrote, back strafing, throwing up slice and dice, and getting a...
  2. ELUNE US: WTB Mail Eagle Gloves/Bracers (perfer perfect)

    I know you said your not looking to transfer but I have 4/4 eagle gloves, 5/5 eagle pants, 3/3 bracers. 4/4 boots all on the same server. Everything is defenders except the bracers. I also have a bunch of other twink gear on the same server including an Asssassin's Blade almong other things.
  3. Best of 19s (US) - Old school

    Prebc Vindi list Players Amarostos Zenocide Shadowcharge Tool Snoopie Feardotdot Diiesel Moxxie Roxxie Glaber Cannz Malkah Outlast Whatsherface Robotx Nuchi Germs Karl Rizzo Guilds Guild Punishment Infierno Laughing Skull FTW Nightmare I forgot a lot of...
  4. Emerald Dream PVP - US

    I have a 85 rogue on horde and a 85 paladin on ally. Then a 19 and 24 rogue on ally, but I could always make a 19 or 24 pally on horde ;)
  5. Emerald Dream PVP - US

    I am not transfering off of ED. Many of the old school twinks like Stickymittens, Bobbo, Zenocide, Reflexes, Kttn, and a few others play 85s there. Its a great realm especially for end game pvp. Just looking to revive some of my twinks and have some fun with a few people if they have toons...
  6. Emerald Dream PVP - US

    Just wanted to say hi to all the 19 twinkers out there. I recently dusted off my tinks and wanted to see if anyone else had any on Emerald Dream. I have a 2k+ rated 85 there and a BiS 19 and 24. Get at me if you have any toons there or are looking for a place to call home. People interested in...