meee :D
I aint quite BiS, rofl but i really cba i killz em thats all that matters ;)
Äürórä resto druid
Aurôrä shadow priest
Äùrôrå Surv hunter
Díósá holy pally
I think thats all of em lol, i wanna change Díósá to an Aurora sometime
Me too! hunter :3
Its mob mentality and the fact that people are anonymous on the net that makes hate worse on here
True but then how is crying about being camped stopped. Yes id love those afk rules, but camping is still an issue.
I'm not either, i just enjoy hunters. I have several hunters...
This is why in the premade group im in we have F2P people, we dont want an complete faceroll, we just like to bg with friends, and sometimes, we get facerolled xP. We'd probably progress to higher brackets if our F2P friends could come too.