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  1. Nicozy

    best Cataclysm twink?

    Enhance Shaman /end thread
  2. Nicozy

    2024 EU Guild Help

    pyrewood village is the hub, few on nethergarde keep but think their guild is dying.
  3. Nicozy

    100k Honorable Kills on my level 10

    Describing wsgclassic and his gameplay having anything to do with focusing "flags" is a crime against humanity. His pet alone is responsible for 50k and as we all know it lives a life of its own. Man plays warsong with a wheel and some pedals, guy attacks anything in front of him and hes been...
  4. Nicozy

    cata hype yeee

    cata hype yeee
  5. Nicozy

    19s eu

    pops all day I think, I have been playing a few from 16-24
  6. Nicozy

    cata 19s new spells?

    someone help this brotha out love me some cata but you can look up stuff on private server database like cata twinheads, but yeh easy access wowhead talent calc with all the spells lvls etc does not exist yet
  7. Nicozy

    When you are 8 twinks vs 4 in a wsg do you A: go and win the game or do you B: get autokicked...

    When you are 8 twinks vs 4 in a wsg do you A: go and win the game or do you B: get autokicked from the game due to literally not moving for 10 minutes? Orc Male Warlock says B
  8. Nicozy


  9. Nicozy


  10. Nicozy

    Return cata classic? :thonk:

    Return cata classic? :thonk:
  11. Nicozy

    Well I can see that you are still haunted by him in 2023 :KEKW:

    Well I can see that you are still haunted by him in 2023 :KEKW:
  12. Nicozy


  13. Nicozy

    Heirlooms replace most BIS in WOTLK?

    heirlooms will be bis for a lot of classes in all of those brackets you mentioned, one reason is there are items with hitrating while still giving strong main stats, but it all really depends on the bracket and class so you can still get away without them and be competitive in most brackets id...
  14. Nicozy

    Ques Merged... kinda

    hows games working out?
  15. Nicozy

    Exp-off and Exp-on Players will not be separated in Wrath Classic BGs

    39s got revived mid tbc on eu and has been getting AB pops even without AB weekend last few weeks and with way less 39s queuing than during the classic/tbc prime. This announcement helps a lot with hype and just keeping the levlers in the games will make 39s and 29s pop in wrath 100% and when/if...
  16. Nicozy

    gr8 change to keep brackets alive in wotlk classic lets gooooooo

    gr8 change to keep brackets alive in wotlk classic lets gooooooo
  17. Nicozy

    its a gr8 change that saves multiple brackets lets fucking goooooo

    its a gr8 change that saves multiple brackets lets fucking goooooo
  18. Nicozy

    Exp-off and Exp-on Players will not be separated in Wrath Classic BGs

    @Charax get in here you saved the higher brackets
  19. Nicozy


  20. Nicozy

    lf 19 us acc to play some games on before wotlk hits

    lf 19 us acc to play some games on before wotlk hits