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  1. Zulhinal

    is it possible?

    so i came back after some years of break and apperently you wont have your xp locked when you log back in so Zulhinal @ Draenor - Community - World of Warcraft is it possible to rewind back to 19 by contacting a GM?
  2. Zulhinal

    29 rogue twink help!!!!!!!

    No :/
  3. Zulhinal

    29 rogue twink help!!!!!!!

    Ethrias @ Dunemaul - Community - World of Warcraft my armory -- i just came back after 2-3 years and everything is so new and confusing and i was wonderring if any1 would link or tell me a guide to improve my 29 twink I got a couple of gf'ed items
  4. Zulhinal

    Boud The Explorer

    Gratz :)