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  1. Your Battletag Here (Queue)

    [EU] Valmount#2600
  2. ownaque vid -How to do the jumps -

    What kind of move forward & jump binds do you use? w + space (I assume this would just mean it's all about experience & practice)? Or perhaps a clever macro/keybind? I find it hard doing a perfect forward jump from standing still sometimes.
  3. Macros: Q/A and Requests

    Yeah, I tried making sets that only have weapons changed in them. Doesn't seem to work =(. I can't believe it's so hard making a double-swap macro.
  4. Macros: Q/A and Requests

    This only swaps the weapon for main hand. It seems that the macro doesn't know which of the 2x SF's to pick when I put it like that. Also, can't seem to swap sets mid-combat, is there any other way?
  5. Macros: Q/A and Requests

    Anyone got any experience with dual-wield swapping? Is it possible to have a macro that, when, say I have weapon sets X and Y, if I click the macro and X is equipped, it'll equip set Y and vice versa? I need to swap from 2x assassin's blade to 2x shadowfangs, both sets have the same enchants...
  6. [Mists Of Pandaria] Curley's Rogue Guide

    Naw, not playing on hamcake. As said, playing on a blizzlike serv with a twink community. Thief's blade only 14.4 dps, +7 agi, 1.7 speed, 17-32 dam vs. shadowfang and assassin's blade (which stats are in my post above) which both have higher dam and dps. You sure about this? Didn't...
  7. [Mists Of Pandaria] Curley's Rogue Guide

    So, I'm currently playing on a 3.3.5 blizzlike private server and am having a tough time choosing between the items I could use. Which of these should I use on a standard/dps build? Help in this matter would be greatly appreciated :). Blackened Defias Armor 92 armor...