Search results

  1. What happens when I face Horde with even teams As you can see here Horde has a full Premade 5 from OldBlanchy, 4 from Mankrik. The end result is players like Drew, who claim to be good, getting 3-0d in less than 15 minutes, spit on, embarrassed, humiliated with no kbs either. You can talk on the forums or in...
  2. Fairbanks Full Premades at 1am

    You know who you are and you are awful. The handful of times I saw you queueing at prime time you got stomped. Good job beating level 16s at 1am with a full premade on discord, clowns.
  3. Realtek Tarinbitchboy

    How about you useless fucking mods ban people for homophobia, real life threats and being admitted felons/junkies instead of worrying about @ threads. Or are you morons also stuck on the gimmick of talking like a 16 year old ghetto retard is cool?
  4. Need more Horde on West Coast, dont be scared.

    It's come to my attention that some people are actively trying to tell people to go East Coast because Alliance on West Coast are now winning more, led by me and my guild as well as other Alliance on Whitemane, ect. STOP RUNNING. The fact that you would run to East Coast to avoid competition...
  5. People running 10 mans on Horde U.S. west coast

    The queues are already bad and you are completely killing them. The average alliance pug has 5-6 levelers. If you really need a 10 man to win you should uninstall the game because you are awful. You know who you are. People aren't going to play against your 10 man especially with 5 levelers on...
  6. How long until fishing tournament?

    How many months exactly, anyone know? Don't want to waste librams if its soon
  7. Lack of Alliance twinks(U.S) Recruiting on Razorgore

    To get decent games and not have long queues you need relative balance on both sides. I have my own guild on Razorgore Alliance, have years of experience playing(Mostly 29s but 19s as well) with the best players in the bracket like Nocontest, ect who can vouch for me. Also have plenty of twink...
  8. Hunter question

    Best weapon setup Cruel barb/Furbolgs? For rings, lavishly jeweled ring or meadow of the monkey 3/3? Last question, Footpands of the fang 4agi/4stam vs Feet of the lynx 3str/8agi. Does the increased nature damage proc on serpent sting/venomstrike? Wouldn't that make it better than Feet of the...
  9. US Hey horde, stop dodging

    You know that when you see me and Banishedjr in a bg you are getting farmed. Do we have to start posting screenshots of the likes of Gokku, Phron, Gaspedal and Goohd, getting 3 capped and gy farmed to actually get some games going? QUEUE UP KIDS Oh and Willferal, you are garbage and I farm...
  10. US Bruce/Jister inting on alliance alts

    Inting - stands for "Intentional feeding" and it is used in videogames (mainly League of Legends). Most possibly started from the League of Legends banned toxic streamer tyler1 because of his ''INT list'' where he was writing down players who were playing bad, intentionally feed, intentionally...
  11. Let 24s run flag

    When you see a 24 on your team with 600+ more hp than you who is willing to run flag, let them run it. Was in a game a few days ago where a druid, sabotaged my team by grabbing flag and running back into horde base. If you dont know what you are doing dont grab flag, simple as that. You do...
  12. Calling all Alliance, Horde priest stacking

    Just afked out of a game where horde had 6 priests. At least 4 of them were 24s. The alliance team was a mix of undergeared 20s. I think we need to even the odds with these bads. Now i know people are going to say "But before priests rogues and hunters were op". Not to this extent, and things...
  13. Pizza

    grats on bloodthirsty