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  1. We all know Hunters are OP... are they the best duelers though?

    Can't help you there, you'll have to undress the kids yourself.
  2. We all know Hunters are OP... are they the best duelers though?

    Note: I play exclusively for fun so don't start running numbers to see what I'm doing wrong. WSG: I tend to run on a larger arc when the EFC group is going for their tunel then at some point dive straight into their group yelling 'LEEROY!', shooting concussive, explosive, distracting AND...
  3. We all know Hunters are OP... are they the best duelers though?

    I knew it you would say that. The topic is: is hunter the best dueler? Instead of answering 'no, prot pally is because of X' or 'no, ret pally is because Y > X', you turned it into prot > pally and I simply rock because I keybind well and use cooldowns smart. Topic was over long time ago, you...
  4. We all know Hunters are OP... are they the best duelers though?

    I like it when people are so confident when it comes to pressing keys and discussing how bits will beat some other bits. I also like it when people with big electronic penises try to shove them up some electronic mouths while the mouth owner does the same (reversed) thing. It's all about a pally...
  5. Stop Reporting Undergeareds AFK

    You just don't see the obvious. I don't give a **** about your skill, Cotus' skill, the Gaussian distribution of level 24s or hunters or level 24 hunters across the battlegrounds. If this is the sport you're trying to be good at and for this you agree with ruining it for anyone that doesn't fit...
  6. Stop Reporting Undergeareds AFK

    I suppose that the level 35+ (??) guys I kill in world pvp think 'look, theres a hunter with about 1k hp, let's kill him', just to be disappointed eventually. Kick the guys that can't play, not the undergeared ones. Kick one that farms the middle or gy, while the efc is happily running towards...
  7. This is why I love dead servers.

    3/12 in the first AGM. All three items were looted at 6am. Yesterday 9pm I just popped by to see if I have any chance just to found a group of (about) 10 allies having fun. Died several times and then gave up and rolled a durid! I'll keep logging on at 6am every day until I'll get my trinket...
  8. Tupac versus biggie

    May I vote for chuck?
  9. Queue Times

    I came back to f2p wow quite recently, I didn't think I will twink or anything. Just that I had some days off after xmas and thought to check the tree in Org for the cool presents I rolled an orc since they are close and I said, what the heck, let's roll a hunter. One thing lead to another and...
  10. Queue Times

    I reiterate one of the initial questions of the OP: any classes needed? I think I'll play on the horde side.
  11. F2P community on AP

    Hi, Downloaded the addon, put it in my WoW_US folder. It seems it's working, I joined f2ptwink, I see the people in the chat, but nobody answers my whispers. I annoyed some random guys asking for a ping back but got none. I am also not able to send messages to the channel. Am I doing...
  12. Worse thing that happened to you IRL

    I never thought it could happen to me... it just happened so fast... I was out drinking with my friends and I met this girl... we were both so drunk, I should've called a cab but I didn't. I decided to drive, I didn't even think about it. We were just speeding down the highway... it was so...
  13. Dare to admit you're addicted?

    I am not addicted, my imaginary twin is!
  14. its actually called rogue not rouge

    So it's Moulin Rogue?

  16. Hey there, newbie just popped in

    Hello, New to the forums, I have to reach my post count to post in the section I've made this account for, and some post in that section advised me to introduce myself here. So here it goes: Male, 35, from eastern Europe. Playing WoW since it started. Played a lot actually, then I stopped...