Search results

  1. Manaflask - Project 60: Go Oldschool With Us (Raiding With Old Nihilum Members)

    Well they are getting swelled with massive amounts of numbers and we arent exactly swimming in members atm. plus the US 60 bracket is pretty empty atm.
  2. Manaflask - Project 60: Go Oldschool With Us (Raiding With Old Nihilum Members)

    That feel when I have been raiding in screams for over 2 years and these random guys come out of no where and are popular as fuck.
  3. Titan's grip at level 38?!?!

    and ill be here to kick his ass. I miss bloodscalp when we were twinking there...
  4. 60 PvP <Thundering Legion> Draka Horde -- All 60 BG's

    BUMP! From you friendly neighborhood iraqmane.