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  1. Hello guys :)

    Shamans can give you the dps of choice(melee/range) while still providing awesome utility with purge, heals, and earthbind.
  2. Weapons that sheath to back

    well that sucks
  3. Weapons that sheath to back so far
  4. Skywall Premade-Tonight!

    You don't have to be a jerk about it. He was just advising you to announce it earlier. Maybe like 2-3 days in advance.
  5. Questions on Sea turtle and warlock

    Thats what i've been doin, gear up right now. i ALSO remember my other question!! How do you do arenas? is it only wargames? or do you have to run to an arena queuer and queue like the old times?
  6. Questions on Sea turtle and warlock

    =P thanks for the info
  7. Questions on Sea turtle and warlock

    I know you get the turtle from fishing but as F2p can you just stroll into TH and fish there? or will it port you out? And is there any warlock guides/post? i wanna know more about the class and peoples opinions on specs/gear. If anyone could point me in the right direction that would be great!
  8. AFKale

    This was an interesting thread to read. Btw nice video, I always love watching Kale beat someones face in. WTB grandfatherd rings so i can be more awesome =(
  9. The Aerie Peak F2P Tournament

    Also, if you are going thro with this, is there gonna be a horde bracket and a ally bracket where the winner duels the other factions winner?
  10. The Aerie Peak F2P Tournament

    hahaha 2 priests vs 2 shammies.... how bad would that suck?
  11. Games this night

    Were awesome. To anyone who played with and/or against me, great matches!
  12. Shield Spike?

    In reality a twink should try to obtain the best gear that you can possibly get. Nothing that improves your chances at killing/surviving is useless. Even 10 HP can allow you to finish someone off.
  13. Shield Spike?

    I saw this while pokin around wowhead. I remember reading somewhere that its possible to get a GM to open your mail for you if your lucky. Has anyone tried this?
  14. F2P Armory Library Almost BiS. Hopefully i'll see more of you guys out there!
  15. Magic The Gathering

    Legacy is way to expensive for me to get into right now, so i mainly play standard. Theres 2 card shops where i live and they host free tournaments mondays and wednesdays. Nice way to hang out with people and practice tourny style magic. If your looking to get back into MTG then i suggest find a...
  16. Twinker Knowledge Quiz

    This was silly, scored a 4 tho
  17. Quest for a 100 hks

    play alot?
  18. What did YOU get for Christmas? :)

    sadly only mw3, and my xbox live ran out the 27th
  19. Crossrealm BoA's

    This is the most current news ive heard