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  1. Nimtwo hunter stream

    i think in 2s, im the highest hunter Nihló @ Aegwynn - Spiel - World of Warcraft 2135 maxrating atm, going to mig to dbh and play with shadowmeld. I think 2,3k is possible
  2. 3v3 comps

    Prot Cleave Prot Pal / Prot Warri / Resto Shaman
  3. MoP

    1. currently with no pvp power less dmg. Healing is increased by approximately 80%. 3. nope 4. crap
  4. Destromath Main Group in RBG Queue

    We stopped queueing for now. We are going to queue at 20am again. let me know if any team wants to queue against us.
  5. Destromath Main Group in RBG Queue

    as the title says, we are in queue. if anyone is interested in queueing against us, let me know here.
  6. Psychosis - Arena Tournament ( Read for rules )

    well, in my opinion you should let the underpowered classes use more powerfull gear than the overpowered ones. I think mage, priest, rogue should use worse gear than for example warlock, to keep the balanced alive.
  7. 70 Twinks in Beta

    would like to see the new resilience system aswell. And ofcourse the changes of the tinkers
  8. level 70 twinking made easy in MoP

    ähm ... not? Feral, Disc, Hunter, Warrior, Paladin and Warlock dont loose vital abilitys too. With MOP, 70 bracket will even get more balanced than ever cause of the resilience change. If you have no clue, just shut up
  9. Requesting BiS Destro Warlock chardev + some tips n tricks.

    disc mage with double tazik isn't that hard, You just have to make sure, that the priest and mage wont cast in you at the same time in deep freeze. Furthermore, play really aggressive, dispell as often as you can so you are able to burst at any time. Now you just have to get a full fear on the...
  10. Check My Maths (Frost Resistance)

    you're missing the point, that frost resistance doesnt reduce every single dmg you take. It's an average damage reduction, which means it may reduce the dmg of frost spell or you resist the whole spell. On the other hand, if you have bad luck, it wont reduce any damage, because nothing of the...
  11. Are you a warlock stuggling in arena? here is the solution.

    or you just play disc destru, with 450 resilience and pwn every single mage comp that queues :)
  12. Requesting BiS Destro Warlock chardev + some tips n tricks.

    against cyberskurk and shadowmeldx among other. Priest Lock is a very strong comp in my opinion Otherwise we wouldnt have played 81% winrate
  13. Requesting BiS Destro Warlock chardev + some tips n tricks.

    insert rnd name here @ Blutdurst - Game Guide - World of Warcraft played 2,4k disc lock last season
  14. True Max AP Rogue?

    dunno why so many rogues use engi head with 126 agility instead of swp helmet with 3% crit dmg and dont use the 4 set bonus of t6. Gives you a higher burst than ~100ap
  15. [Stream] 70 Narox

  16. What would YOU want to see from a 70 Mage PoV?

    pls dont pick opponents, who suck balls and pls dont backpaddle ><
  17. [Video] 2v2's Rogue Priest.

    not today, im tired
  18. [Video] 2v2's Rogue Priest.

    The fact you didnt even know that makes me /facepalm :( But yeah, it workes. Ill give you another tip. Unbind your S Key (backpaddle), or that hotkey you use for backpaddling. Try to deal with this situation, you wont be used to it for a long while, but the more you play without it, the less...
  19. [Video] 2v2's Rogue Priest.

    That has nothing to do with twink, reactions, whise cd useage and positioning is part of every arena. As i saw, you didnt even swd one single sheep. You're using painsup where you dont have to (for example). You miss fears alot. You position yourself at bad spots. So much to tell, but im a...