Search results

  1. Hit Rating for 60s (PVP)

    *I looked for threads similar to this, but didn't find any. Sorry if this is a repeat* Quick question-- As a 60 hunter in the 60-69 bracket, do you need more than 5% hit for higher level enemies? I know you need 8% to hit bosses in instances, but does the cap change in PvP also? I doubt...
  2. US WTB Expert Goldminer's Helmet

    WTB Expert Goldminer's Helmet Willing to transfer for it. PM me here please. Thanks! ~Scadoosh
  3. Unholy Weapon Enchant

    I'm stuck at work for a while longer, and i'm wondering how much shadow damage the new feature of this enchant does. I'm hoping it's the same damage as the fiery enchant, because that would be sweet! can someone test in game and post their findings?
  4. Shield Enchants and Blocking

    This topic stems from Weemandeano's thread about his chardev for a warrior. As far as shield enchants go, I see the use of 7 stam and vitality. I don't see the point of spending the gold getting the 23530. As a shaman, I have 5% block rate, and don't gear for strength. When I'm facing...
  5. SF Farming Question

    Reading the comments on Wowhead and Thottbot are confusing.. Some say that SF only drops now from lvl 21 bosses in SFK, so only 4 mobs can drop it. Is this confirmed? If so, it will save me a lot of time looting all the trash (yes I know witching staves and other BoEs drop from trash, but at...