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  1. Acerbytas

    500 Tips

    TIP 365 - When SOLO deffending base in AB place yourself far enough from the flag, but reachable with a skill. Why? 'cause if you stay next to flag a rogue can sap, and cap and stealth in the duration of the sap. But stayin' "far" away from the flag the rogue has to sap, walk X yards, cap and...
  2. Acerbytas

    29 WW Monk guide

    they still helps. Nice and interesting guide. thanks for it ;)
  3. Acerbytas

    US 20-29 WoW Community Revival

    yes... for real. and nothing. again... *sigh*....
  4. Acerbytas

    US 20-29 WoW Community Revival

    nope... It says the same again... mhh... dunno why....
  5. Acerbytas

    US 20-29 WoW Community Revival

    woah, that was fast.... pm me if you prefer it. "This invite is no longer valid. It may have expired or been deleted."
  6. Acerbytas

    Help with Arcane

    as said up there: - 1h and offhand plus the enchants - Leg enchant
  7. Acerbytas

    General Solo Mask Mog Farming for Low Level Rogues (Horde)

    Does iron front work now? for real?
  8. Acerbytas

    Farming dingy coins / coins of air on low level 20

    edit: I have gone to the Suramar spot. Illidari stand, to see if I could farm coins of air, there are mobs that come to attack npcs and die. But doesn't seem to work neither...
  9. Acerbytas

    EU+US BIS Rogue weapons

    Mhhh interesting thread... for ftp or 20 veterans the darkwater should be the way.... just an offtopic question about rogues: wich stat should I aim for? agi>vers>...?
  10. Acerbytas

    gurubashi arena trinket

    Thanks for the info.
  11. Acerbytas

    gurubashi arena trinket

    Damn... Ok, so now to earn the heirloom I need to open just once the chest?
  12. Acerbytas

    gurubashi arena trinket

    I remember I have the first one, the green trinket. :confused:
  13. Acerbytas

    gurubashi arena trinket

    Just once? not the 12 (or similar...) times?
  14. Acerbytas

    Farming dingy coins / coins of air on low level 20

    Nothing. I have gone there, i´ve seen some npc fighting against each other, I approach them in stealth, I press the pick pocket button but nothing happens, nothing shows...
  15. Acerbytas

    Farming dingy coins / coins of air on low level 20

    Everything is better with help hehe I know. I was just wondering if it was possible to do it by myself as before patch 7.2.5 on the famous Talador spot. There must be some place, guide, spot...
  16. Acerbytas

    Farming dingy coins / coins of air on low level 20

    The problem is that I die real quick there, I get aggroed really quick (Im lvl 20) is it doable? or is it me, that I am that bad?
  17. Acerbytas

    Farming dingy coins / coins of air on low level 20

    Hello there, guys. I am a FTP/Veteran player, I stopped playing before 7.2 and now I have returned on my lvl 20 rogue. I want the illusion that Griftah sells, or some masks. nvm. I knew the Talador place to farm dingy coins really quick but now its patched and doesnt work anymore. The question...