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  1. big boy game screenshot posting thread

    Ya I would have to say that is pretty brutal. So completely frustrating. People get so locked into tunnel vision. The other day I picked up the flag in the alliance base and held off 5 alliance, including the EFC, as I was trying to get out of their base for a good almost two minutes as I was...
  2. Thread for US Morons to Bitch about the opposing faction.

    It's not the fact there was a premade, or even that you used a FAP. It's a combination of the facts you tried to use it against a lowbie pug when you had an 8 man twink premade on your team. It was sad and hilarious and then you still got the "sandpaper dick", as you would phrase it, after you...
  3. Thread for US Morons to Bitch about the opposing faction.

    Tells you how much of an impact you had on me then huh. Wars are even more laughable. You charge, get rooted by ice armor, I blink from your stun and laugh. Unless you have help or I'm on cooldown/low on health or mana not likely you're killing me. Same goes for your buddy Darrel up there. Bring...
  4. Thread for US Morons to Bitch about the opposing faction.

    The screen you posted is from the second game. The "FAPing" incident was from the game before it where we held you guys off for 20 mins with a bunch of lowbies even though you guys were throwing tons of grenades, eng trinkets, and the FAP already mentioned. I'm not positive but I think we even...
  5. big boy game screenshot posting thread

    True f'ing story! I've seen EFCs run within melee distance of half my team and not get touched. They either ignore chat and pinging or they are just dense. So many baddies been playing on the horde side lately.
  6. Thread for US Morons to Bitch about the opposing faction.

    It was an 8 man Thunderfury premade. They would have won eventually anyway, but it was hilarious they were struggling that much and wasted the gold. Spoiler alert: The FC that did FAP still died lol.
  7. Thread for US Morons to Bitch about the opposing faction.

    8 Man premades having to FAP against a PUG with lowbies is hilarious.
  8. big boy game screenshot posting thread

    Completely blacklisting this jackass Cqb. Just sat farming non-twinks with his pocket shaman, tombstoneyt, instead of doing anything to contribute to the game. All the actual alliance twinks were on us that actually grabbed their flag and did stuff in the game. We held them off for a good while...