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  1. Who are you?

    Well i think religion is just another reason to 'pick' on someone. Just like if a person was black, gay etc. Your beliefs are more far fetched than mine. anyway i cant be bothered arguing with you, its quite obviously you're arrogant and ignorant in this topic
  2. Who are you?

    your one of those people that sexually identify as a flower and that why are you anti religion ? i guess its against something you believe in like homosexuals or something.
  3. Who are you?

    not as dead as your haircut
  4. New Years Resolution

    Trying to be more humble towards people, and less homophobic, be more accepting and more given and to be more thankful to god for what i have been given.
  5. Who are you?

    So for the past few weeks in school, i surprisingly haven't been sitting on my ass, and been arguing with every teacher why I'm a Conservative and Republican etc. Point of this thread is to say basically who you are and what you stand for. I'm a dickhead, sneaker head, all round shit talker part...
  6. US Twinks you are thankful for

    Only saw this now, but I felt like it was necessary to comment. Going to start with a hunter called ninetinine on aggramar, he originally started me off in twinking. Twinkso, was the person who made me rethink a lot of choices and decisions in terms of talking to people etc All of Atoma/Same...
  7. Christmas

    Oh but the guy was outside so I didn't think it was him
  8. Christmas

    Ooh good luck with that Purj.
  9. Christmas

    U look nice in that
  10. Christmas

    I like that
  11. Christmas

    it's annoying that 24/7 after Halloween there's Christmas Ads on, but instead of ranting I'm just gonna ask What do you all want for Christmas for those who celebrate it . I personally don't want a whole lot( from other people ) I'm meant to be going to London, Greece and Abu Dhabi ( on...
  12. Trump 2016

    I called it #PresidentTrump
  13. Trump 2016

    I agree not all Muslims are bad people, as you are aware I'm friends with a lot of them. But you can't distinguish the difference, and because of the mess previous presidents have done I.e destabilising Middle East. But you can do your own research
  14. Trump 2016

    Hitler wanted to kill Jews, Trump wants to remove Muslims TEMPORARILY so america can find a way to vet them. He only wants to remove illegals, building the wall is to change the border if you've seen the America Mexico border it's appalling. He doesn't hate China he hates that America let them...
  15. Trump 2016

    Dirty democratic scum claiming they're republican, you don't see trump supporters shooting up places ( or attempting to )
  16. Trump 2016

    Basically my opinion^ for anyone curious.
  17. Trump 2016

    Yo So just curious on your opinions about the elections in America, I personally am from Ireland but I'm so interested in it, are you more trump Clinton or neither and explain specifically why. Preferably only people who are aware what is going on in the elections, thanks :)
  18. A New Chapter:

    Dear Dexa I meant to write to u earlier I just been busy, You said you made a new guild ? How far along is she? I'm really flattered you'd apologise for that, And heres a paragraph I wrote it on a my MacBook on my lap, im sorry I didn't see this thread earlier I musta miss you Don't think I did...
  19. EU+US Confused, but i might have fixed twinks

    Omgomgomgomgomgomgomg yesssssss Jk shit gearing system Gj if this works though, Lucas and other 19 members.
  20. Twink related dreams

    Hey guys looking for more for 3v3 challenger push Have multi Blizzcon wins under your belt Preferably goggle transmog and a spectral tiger Asterias#21132