Search results

  1. US Should the survival hunter ban be lifted?

    Walrusbreath, You are by far the stupidest person I've ever come across. All of your points are invalid. @Stabilt and @saxxon gave you a walk through on how things would work in wsg, and how allowing survival hunters isn't stupid. In 2007 I got hit by a car and you're more fucking painful to...
  2. US Twink Spotlight: Fearthebuns

    Super high quality! Definetly worth all the research
  3. EU+US First News Video!

    Hey guys, I've decided to start a series consisting of all 19 twink news related all drama, beef and just general nerfs buffs and glitches. First Video : Please dont be harsh! rind kegards kuacq
  4. US The Twink Cup 2017 Updated

    Cata is my favourite expansion, but a cata TC is too much really. I wouldn't enjoy to play in it.
  5. US The Twink Cup 2017 Updated

    Depending on a few things, I will make a team. Depending on rules and prizepool. Will also donate if I play or not.
  6. Looking for someone who can do basic motion tracking

    Who's it going to be on coz if it's me hmu I'll give u some juicy footage
  7. come skype pls

    come skype pls
  8. trynna change to but it says this app wont work on ur pc or some shit

    trynna change to but it says this app wont work on ur pc or some shit
  9. EU Misguided Illusions

    Been getting a lot of messages asking about why I banned goblin gliders - Basically, if you're a Druid and you get kicked and spammed slow with pistol shot, being ' outplayed ' if you wanna call it that, and have the advantage of goblin glidering so you can heal up. Hence why I said WSG...
  10. EU Misguided Illusions

    Thank you.
  11. EU+US The biggest deal about 7.2 so far

    pros : rdruid is fun to play cons : waiting on tmorph D:
  12. EU Misguided Illusions

    some girls in the autumn
  13. EU Misguided Illusions

    Hehe ok
  14. EU Misguided Illusions

    no one liked the name :(
  15. EU Misguided Illusions

    Social twinks who dont really care and are just happy to play. Elitist twinks who play to be the best and are obviously good players. BiS for ilvl and world pvp is quite self explanatory.
  16. EU Misguided Illusions

    Appreciated Bro!
  17. EU Misguided Illusions

    < Misguided Illusions > Outland Alliance is a social 19 twink guild! For those twinks who are never done on their twink whether that be achievement/transmog farming , fishing, questing, and/or world pvp. The idea behind this is to have a guild for twinks who always push for more and to take...
  18. EU hi guis

    did u get paid yet?
  19. EU hi guis

  20. EU hi guis

    thats cool - and either side but whichever majority wants can always make 1 alli 1 horde etc