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  1. BIS gear/talents: 29 rogue

    Harbinger Boots are perfectly fine. Also, if you can find AP boots they're reasonable as well. 22AP is BiS AP
  2. Class Options

    Just play priest. Theyre fine in 29s too
  3. Phoenix is recruiting (A-Deviate Delight)

    I very much look forward to proving a new generation of 29 premaders wrong ;)
  4. Phoenix is recruiting (A-Deviate Delight)

    Finally decided to delve into twinks in Classic. Going to of course be a serious guild of tryhards. Preference on taking transfers. Come join what should be the top premading guild in 29s.
  5. BIS gear/talents: 29 rogue

    Not going to address every single point in this thread, but all of these are unquestionably true. 1. Swords is better than Daggers for Premades. Daggers is competitive in Pug games, and blowing people up is fun. 2. Claw mainhand with 5 weapon damage and Vendetta offhand with 15 agility 3...
  6. hey sup im back for classic

    I talked to Sooper, Huargo, and Zelda when Classic started up. They all said they were rolling mains then twinking, they all gave up. Just 2 of them. 1 at 29 and 1 at 60
  7. hey sup im back for classic

    Strong guess ;)
  8. 29 bracket has been a blast

    Give it a month
  9. Which server to choose for 29s Alliance & Guilds?

    Currently in the process of reviving Phoenix on Deviate Delight Alliance.
  10. Classic 20-29 Guide and Discussion

    Yeah engineering in general offers a few trinket options.
  11. How is your [classic] twink coming along?

    If you're not currently leveling a main to then be able to farm for your twink you're doing it wrong.
  12. Classic Launches summer 2019 (Official)

    If Obliviate isn't coming back who will carry you? Related note: Would love to see Obliviate come back. Phenomenal player.
  13. 19 twink spell power rogue. Check this damage out...

    That may be the whole point of twinking _for you_. When twinking first became a part of WoW PvP culture, there absolutely was a sizable number of twinks that did so specifically because all we cared about was the PvP aspect of the game, and had zero interest in the constant gear grind of...
  14. Premading Classic Guilds

    19 [A] MM Hunter 19 [H] MM Hunter Vanilla 19 [H] Hunter (K3) Vanilla 19 [H] Hunter
  15. Premading Classic Guilds

    Looking forward to seeing the elite 19 guilds come to 29 when you inevitably get bored.
  16. OG 19s

    Seems to be a typo there. You said 'good' and 'Pizza Hut' in the same post.
  17. OG 19s

    Apparently you don't recall all of that then. Yes, I love hit rating. No, I have never had a desire to go above the hit rating cap.
  18. OG 19s

    I am looking for a group for 19s, so I'll definitely keep that in mind. Thanks!
  19. Best of 19s (US) - Old school

    Nasti: The Al Bundy of World of Warcraft players.