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  1. LF ZG enchants Incendius Horde

    Who wants to tell him?
  2. No more ZG threads ty

    Imagine getting upset that exploits are being removed from the game.
  3. Phoenix vs Ruckus 4/18 Premades

    Two more respectable games tonight in a healthy 29 classic bracket. Both games were 3-0 Phoenix, but game 2 was closer than the score indicated. GG Ruckus! Game 1: Game 2...
  4. Phoenix vs GANG premades 4/11

    The person who streamed the Phoenix defense, Shadownova, generally streams each premade
  5. Phoenix vs GANG premades 4/11

    Every week. The 29 bracket is filled with guilds that want to and are starting to engage in premades. We have 6 full 29 premading guilds just on East, with another 2-3 on West. We will be playing Ruckus from Herod at 8pm this Saturday. Then will be playing either GANG or Antisocial the...
  6. My 39BiS Twink Warrior

    Stacking stam is great for pugs and shit for premades.
  7. Please help me find a Twink home.

    You're already on the best server for horde in the best bracket. Incendius Horde has the best horde guild in 29s, which is a very active bracket.
  8. Phoenix vs GANG premades 4/11

    Hey, my bad. Realized Shmuck's and Doggs VODs was just from the 2nd game. I updated Shmuck's VOD with both games. Dogg's just has game 2.
  9. Phoenix vs GANG premades 4/11

    every video i linked has game 1 horde offense and ally defense. Dogg's stream, which is GANG defense, starts at 1-0 them due to technical difficulties
  10. Phoenix vs GANG premades 4/11

    Another GANG perspective, from someone who played both offense and defense game 2
  11. Phoenix vs GANG premades 4/11

    Judge the quality here for yourselves. These were 2 of the best, if not the best, games I've ever been a part of. The 29 vanilla scene is back. Phoenix defense GANG defense
  12. whose your favorite FC?

    There has never been a 'best of' thread in the history of twinking that was not 'lets all talk about how good our friends are and shit on the people we dont like'
  13. whose your favorite FC?

    Oh cool, a popularity contest thread? These are new and refreshing.
  14. A few questions.

    I shouldn't have phrased it as in 'almost none of that was true'. However, the most important part you listed there, that the bracket is dying, is definitely not true. I haven't heard of any twinks actually quitting over this change
  15. Phoenix is recruiting (A-Deviate Delight)

    We're pretty far into leveling a bunch of characters, with several of us done. We also have a good presence in STV daily for the chest. Still interested in welcoming more members.
  16. A few questions.

    Almost none of that is true. Games still pop. Non-peak times are hard to find games after the bg split, true. Thats not necessarily a permanent change. In addition, people seem to forget originally the best way to find premade vs premade games was the PTR anyway, which is something we might...
  17. Phoenix is recruiting (A-Deviate Delight)

    Do you have a horde 10 man? We aren't close yet, but I'm curious what horde guilds are premade capable
  18. A few questions.

    1. Depends on server 2. Yes 3. Yes 4. Varies
  19. 29 Rogue questions

    Welcome to the bracket. You'll find rogue is a pretty easy class to do reasonably well with at the beginning levels, but has a fairly high skill cap when it comes to maximizing CDs/interrupts. As for some of your specific questions: 15 agility to Zealot isnt bad. All of the proc enchants are...
  20. BIS gear/talents: 29 rogue

    Actually I think you're right, sorry. 28 is for chest.