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  1. EU+US I’m the best shaman 19 twink shaman, prove me wrong

    Cause im cute. --cupa
  2. EU+US I’m the best shaman 19 twink shaman, prove me wrong

    Imagine needing my friends/guild mates to back me up on a twink forum.....
  3. EU+US I’m the best shaman 19 twink shaman, prove me wrong

    Sure, add that to your list no one cares about. You're trash bro. Re-read this thread and look at the shamans people give as examples... I dont need to make my own thread for people to say my name. Get on my level, and we can throw down.
  4. EU+US I’m the best shaman 19 twink shaman, prove me wrong

    I could give two shits what some no name shaman says on a twink forum bro. I have solo'd you more than once, I dont need to do it again. Keep practicing though! -- cupa
  5. EU+US I’m the best shaman 19 twink shaman, prove me wrong

    Like I said, you have to earn the right to wargame me bro. Prove you're worth my time.
  6. EU+US I’m the best shaman 19 twink shaman, prove me wrong

    You will need to learn to juke before I waste my time with you. When people start saying "oh shit it's thegamesucks" in bgs, thats when you will be on my level.
  7. EU+US I’m the best shaman 19 twink shaman, prove me wrong

    I dont know what you mean? Do you want to duel? If so, that will be a snooze fest.
  8. EU+US I’m the best shaman 19 twink shaman, prove me wrong

    Ive played against you. I have you at r8, r7 if im being generous. -- cupa
  9. EU+US I’m the best shaman 19 twink shaman, prove me wrong

    Ill put my sham up against anyone. -- Cupa
  10. EU+US Resto Shamans...Scummy Class?

    Are you inferring my emotional state in effort to shirk your claims? You posted it, so why dont you back it up. You contributed to a 19 twink forum by calling all people who play 19 trash... you yourself say you dont play 19's anymore, so then why post on the thread? or are you just trolling for...
  11. EU+US Resto Shamans...Scummy Class?

    Im not really being sensitive i could care less what a salty relic says. I just call out bullshit when I see it. You said all players who play 19 are trash, whether you meant it as a joke is semantics.
  12. EU+US Resto Shamans...Scummy Class?

    So nowhere in this post did you say all players who play 19 are trash?
  13. EU+US Resto Shamans...Scummy Class?

    Im not sure what item you are referring to in the 19 bracket that does that kind of dmg. So you think that 59 and 19 both take no skill? Does that mean players who play 59 are trash with more buttons? What bracket do you think takes the most skill? If YOU play 19's does that also make you...
  14. EU+US Resto Shamans...Scummy Class?

    I play the 59 bracket.... so good try. You say all players who play 19's are trash, and im telling you 59 is WAY easier than 19s. Using your logic... players who play the 59 bracket are trash with more buttons. 19's is easier to "play", but 19 games are far more competitive. 59's hardly ever...
  15. EU+US Resto Shamans...Scummy Class?

    It's funny you say that for 19's. I think 59's are considerably easier to play than 19's. Just my opinion though.
  16. EU+US Abstract-Terokkar 28% Vers 19 Rogue

    Not all bombs require you stand still or have cast time. I recommend looking at
  17. EU+US Resto Shamans...Scummy Class?

    How can you generalize 90% of lvl 19 shamans, when you admit you dont play 19's much? There are a number of good shamans who heal like beasts and still put up quality dmg.
  18. EU+US Resto Shamans...Scummy Class?

    Not sure where all the vitriol towards healers come from, other than me and a couple of handful players your not seeing a whole lot of healers top the charts on dmg. Is the problem you cant solo a healer? Bliz has never wanted healers to be 1v1. From 19's to 120's any healer worth his salt will...