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  1. Daddy

    20-29 [VOD] 3v3 Forceful Cup Tournament

    You do realize that at 29 the healing of rdruid is like 5% of what it is at end game? You don't get to just sit in bear form while your hots keep everyone alive. In 3s if you are ever caught in a bad position with displacer down you DO have to come out and spam heal or your teamates die...
  2. Daddy

    20-29 [VOD] 3v3 Forceful Cup Tournament

    And you do play US servers with high latency every day. Imagine playing with it the first time ever in a tournament setting. AS A RESTORATION DRUID
  3. Daddy

    20-29 [VOD] 3v3 Forceful Cup Tournament

    Also talking shit on idiote who was clearly higher rated than you will ever be isn't going to win you any fans. He is the single best arena healer in the 29 bracket period. He made it to second place as an rdruid.
  4. Daddy

    20-29 [VOD] 3v3 Forceful Cup Tournament

    Still you have no reason to talk shit on idiote. Dan plays at 450 ms every day and plays a priest. Taco played an 2 button enhance shaman and you had perfect ms for 2/3 games. Idiote and his entire team had ms they had never played at before and were playing with a rdruid healer. You should win.
  5. Daddy

    20-29 [VOD] 3v3 Forceful Cup Tournament

    jk just saw it
  6. Daddy

    20-29 [VOD] 3v3 Forceful Cup Tournament

    Fancy, why did you say you were 2200? That makes no since whatsoever
  7. Daddy

    20-29 Offical 29 3 vs 3 Tournament!

    I think it would be cool to balance things out instead of banning things. Allow more diversity. Things like taking away feral savage roar and maybe enchants in general for ferals. Taking away Enhance's enchants. Maybe even allowing double offhealer comps with some restrictions set in place...
  8. Daddy

    20-29 Offical 29 3 vs 3 Tournament!

    Team <Irrelevant Bracket> is formally withdrawing from the tournament. Let another team play in our place.
  9. Daddy

    20-29 Offical 29 3 vs 3 Tournament!

    Im pretty sure living extended the deadline
  10. Daddy

    20-29 Offical 29 3 vs 3 Tournament!

    Name: Irrelevant Bracket Leader: Darkxd scotty#1603 Team Member 1: - Survival Hunter Team Member 2: - Discipline Priest Team Member 3...
  11. Daddy

    20-29 Offical 29 3 vs 3 Tournament!

    So x2 healer is allowed?
  12. Daddy

    20-29 Offical 29 3 vs 3 Tournament!

    If we really wanna balance it out you should do no enchants at all except for hpals and rdruids Kappa
  13. Daddy

    20-29 Offical 29 3 vs 3 Tournament!

    Ferals arent allowed anyways what are you talking about?
  14. Daddy

    20-29 Offical 29 3 vs 3 Tournament!

    What about classes like ret that do mediocre dmg compared to other classes without sader procs?
  15. Daddy


  16. Daddy

    20-29 March 3v3 Tourney

    You suck
  17. Daddy

    US Livingforce looking to go to US/CAD??!?!?

    You can stay with Dan an steal his 1 can of spam that he can afford a day
  18. Daddy

    20-29 March 3v3 Tourney

    I'll make a team
  19. Daddy

    US Top 5 Hated and Top 5 Loved Players

    Hate 1. Darkchewie 2. Immvq 3. Original kickbotting scumbag 4. Fancy's stupid fucking birds 5. Curley and his thousands of fucking selfies that no one gives two shits about but he is retarded so he posts them anyways. Love 1. Lucas 2. Saka 3. Skeezin 4. Blurznigga 5. Stabilt/Alex Honorable...
  20. Daddy

    What are you talking about that makes no sense

    What are you talking about that makes no sense