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  1. Captain

    EU+US first aid

    if we have first aid before pre patch do we get to keep it / all our bandages and be able to continue using em?
  2. Captain

    Satchels nerfed

    someone tell me what to prepare with on my 150 engi 19
  3. Captain

    Satchels nerfed

    Wait, what’s this about engineering
  4. Captain

    EU+US Favorite/best quest chains?

    The Shimmering Flats quest kill / collect quest chain in vanilla... So much competition, but the quests were so simple and gave so much xp that it was somehow satisfying.
  5. Captain

    US RIP

    Jokes on u I quit this shit game months ago
  6. Captain

    So Damn Hyped

    Because he cant handle STV PvP Ass rape
  7. Captain

    So Damn Hyped

    19s are shit in vanilla
  8. Captain

    Who is on Northdale?

    < B I R D L A W > Whats ur name on there?
  9. Captain

    Who is on Northdale?

    Haha I ran into stabilt at around lvl 18 in the barrens, I’m a level 34 Tauren Druid - Cpt Wait... Bird Law? :0
  10. Captain

    Farming Dungeon Satchels, twinks wanted.

    I don’t understand, can’t you just farm these when BFA is launched? If it’s GF’d then ofc I’m all in captain#12229 19 rogue 19 ally rogue *
  11. Captain

    Health decrease (Cata hp)

    A lot of people left because of the gigantic hp bump in legion. This was fixed to be a lot lower in BFA, and therefore allowing quicker 1v1's, and easier time to kill opponents. P.S Rogues got SS back but havent gotten ambush at 19 yet... FeelsBadMan
  12. Captain

    Bandages Have No Requirement

    Runecloth bandage seems to have no requirement on my 19 rogue, as first aid is removed. Im assuming this means that we no longer need a proffession to use these, we can just buy them from AH and such :) This was a plus for me as I hate skilling up proffessions on new alts.
  13. Captain

    Holy @%!# this ptr rocks

    Only think keeping me away from Legion, and now BFA, is that fact that they keep removing abilities each expansion. I still cant get over the fact that we dont have displacer beast anymore in the 19s bracket. The cataclysm numbers look interesting, but still cant get over the fact that we have...
  14. Captain

    Vanilla Jump Guide for Classic WoW

    yep, and maybe the occasional priest tryhard, if you're lucky to see one
  15. Captain

    Vanilla Jump Guide for Classic WoW

    Good thing they have barely started coding level 1 mage spells for classic, wont expect it till 2021 at least. At least Northdale is this saturday :P
  16. Captain

    The Untimely Regrets of the Legion Invasion Prepatch

    Soooo is there another one?
  17. Captain

    BfA Beta Flying Mount for Low Level Twinks!

    Is this a joke?
  18. Captain

    EU+US Reminder to get 525 fishing before BfA.

    How much time do we have to lvl up these proffs?
  19. Captain

    How to name change for free!

    Sorry, does this also work on 110s?