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  1. Troncat


    live with circles done thanks for watching
  2. Troncat

    Currently listening to... - Part 3!
  3. Troncat

    19's Christmas list

    i need
  4. Troncat

    19's Christmas list

    fund me magefists
  5. Troncat

    19's Christmas list

    ill provide a recording of our skype for a price.
  6. Troncat

    19's Christmas list

    holy shit if you care so much go make a thread in the tavern. stop being fucking annoying and bitching about nothing
  7. Troncat

    19's Christmas list

  8. Troncat

    Currently listening to... - Part 3!
  9. Troncat

    What's going on with Myrm?

    omg shut up you stupid european
  10. Troncat

    Currently listening to... - Part 3!
  11. Troncat


    online now!
  12. Troncat

    US 19 tink Real Life Picture Thread!

    please rip out my voice box
  13. Troncat


    3 days in and feeling GREAT! #FastForTI
  14. Troncat

    US 19 tink Real Life Picture Thread!

    what the fuck
  15. Troncat

    22/M LF Twink Girl Friend for Serious Relationship

    go away barb ur crazier than me
  16. Troncat

    22/M LF Twink Girl Friend for Serious Relationship

    yeah moran hit me up.
  17. Troncat

    Currently listening to... - Part 3!
  18. Troncat


    yeah ok, but this is the #FastForTI thread... not the nwl thread or the gg19 thread.
  19. Troncat

    Currently listening to... - Part 3!
  20. Troncat


    I will be fasting for the next 3 days. I encourage the bigger members of the bracket to follow in my footsteps! Let's get this going. by the way, you don't have to eat until you're blacking out and collapsing onto the floor! do your best for the good of twinkinfo <3 #FastForTI