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  1. Healin

    Rocket runs!

    Are you playing EU Alliance?
  2. Healin

    Farming Friends (10s EDITION) (Btag List) (EU/NA/OCE)

    Risinglight#2673 / EU Alliance [A][BoE][D] Been twinking on/off since WotLK, playing my 10 priest atm.
  3. Healin

    Currently gearing my old 10 priest.

    Currently gearing my old 10 priest.
  4. Healin

    lvl 10 twink

    I might start twinking again, looks neat.
  5. Healin

    Any interest in a end game raid guild?

    I'm very interested in this as well :)
  6. Healin

    WSG Flagcarrying Montage

    Seeing this, I might come back. Right in the nostalgia.
  7. Healin

    EU+US No loom 10s

    Looking good, guys. :)
  8. Healin

    Level 10s in the 10-19 PvP Bracket. Why the Hate?

    Aye, not really any reason nowadays.
  9. Healin

    Game changer. Foodbuff that does damage.

    Aye, it's pretty insane.
  10. Healin

    Project: GG 19 EU! (EU Revival)

    Good luck. :)
  11. Healin

    Completely bias best of thread

  12. Healin

    Lvl 10-14 Hk farming

    Ohai :3
  13. Healin

    World First Fel Reaver Killing - Level 10 Twinks

    Impressive work!
  14. Healin

    Friday at 20:00 locked exp bgs

    Will be there!
  15. Healin

    Interest in a level 10-14 achievement list?

    Would be pretty cool, maybe I should become more active then. :)
  16. Healin

    Any level 10 achievementwhores out still out there?

    Well, I'm still playing a bit every now and then. Sitting at 3425 points atm.
  17. Healin

    Possible world first? Feedback and info please!

    Pretty neat, congratulations. :]
  18. Healin

    Level 10-14 Twink Battletag Collection Thread

    EU, Risinglight#2673
  19. Healin

    Impossible to get Gurubashi Arena trinket any more

    Exactly what I was thinking.. Couldn't find any information..
  20. Healin

    Impossible to get Gurubashi Arena trinket any more

    Can you link the notes?