Search results

  1. EU Free Relics

    @Aelobin : Yes, I want it :)
  2. EU Free Relics

    @Aelobin : Hi ! Actually I'm away from my computer because I take few holidays outside my country. You can contact me next week. My battletag is Ludowww #2606
  3. EU Free Relics

    Hi Aelobin, is there by any chance that i could reserve a blood/shadow relic :)? Artifact lvl 18. My battletag is Ludowww #2606 Thanks
  4. EU+US [Updated] Armory List

    Blood DK EU :
  5. EU Which server?

    To my knowledge, there is no possibility to make search by tertiary stats with TUJ :(
  6. EU Which server?

    Hello, US or EU? You can find a great tool (made by @Syrayeda) in the "Level 90-99" topic (docturphil's complete 99 legion guide). :)