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  1. Lets revive 20 bracket? (EU)

    maybe EU people can reroll on US, need to consolidate to survive this winter.
  2. 20s Never Dies

    how's the BGs been? post some SS.
  3. 20s Never Dies

    classic servers will not last forever, people will eventually come back to retail.
  4. Rate of warforged drops reduced massively

    This thread man, cracks me up
  5. EDIT: Changes reverted!|Big changes to ilvl on PTR all epics nerfed to the ground except wod epics

    raid gears are around 210 ilvl on PTR, but of course all require level 30. i feel that they might just raise the F2P cap to 30 (given that no one does these old raids anymore except for transmog runs)
  6. How to one-shot boses (Vanilla up to WoD)

    Approximately [2 + Haste] procs per minute
  7. 20s Never Dies

    Queues are 10~15 min at peak hour every day I heard...someone confirm?
  8. CALL TO ARMS! If you want help and speed runs for gear. Follow my Twitch and connect with me.

    been too busy with real life but word on the street is that at least for a couple hours a day in the afternoon/evening, queues are back to back 10~15 min.
  9. Bracket extremely bursty right now?

    i am a min-max person, i can't stand the idea of playing a 20 when i know that 29 is available.
  10. CALL TO ARMS! If you want help and speed runs for gear. Follow my Twitch and connect with me.

    Anyone who wants the bracket to survive is selfish then, by that logic. In that case, Chops is selfless.
  11. CALL TO ARMS! If you want help and speed runs for gear. Follow my Twitch and connect with me.

    anyone that doesn't know him would assume he is a 29 reading what you put down here. dude is literally the most selfless twink in the bracket (or, ever), yet you used the word "selfish" to describe him. edit: spend 10 min watching his channel and you will know what i mean...
  12. CALL TO ARMS! If you want help and speed runs for gear. Follow my Twitch and connect with me.

    He is a 20, not a 29... Also, he is actively promoting the bracket and helping others gear, he is a lot less selfish than you are ,with respect to contributing to the bracket, post queue seperation.
  13. CALL TO ARMS! If you want help and speed runs for gear. Follow my Twitch and connect with me.

    OP's channel already has close to 100 followers, i suggest more people do the same and start streaming, it's the best way to promote the bracket.
  14. Best class/spec

    damn. drop rate so low wonder if it's worthwhile to go for that little extra speed/leech when my SL gems are already so OP.
  15. Best class/spec

    it can proc speed or leech? might be worth it to farm one
  16. Best class/spec

    ignore pain for arms is only around 700 damage reduction with 11 sec CD. how do arms warrior generate rage again without the ability to spam WW?
  17. Twentified Patch 10.0.05 PTR Notes

    well, my warrior will be arms and tanky as hell. although i need to generate rage somehow.
  18. NEW changes to 20 tiwnk bracket BONECHILLING

    vet playing BGs here so you must be mistaken.