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  1. Amnz_

    Veteran's Armory List (RETIRED)

  2. Amnz_

    Veteran's Armory List (RETIRED) Really enjoying hpal atm! Going for my own preferred set to match the stats and ratio i want :3ífux Just a warrior, I guess :p
  3. Amnz_

    Olympic, the level 70 Night Elf Rogue.

  4. Amnz_

    EU WTB zg chanted parachute cloak

    ah i see :p
  5. Amnz_

    EU WTB zg chanted parachute cloak

    perhaps its not equipped on his armory
  6. Amnz_

    EU WTB zg chanted parachute cloak

    *equips bloody knuckle dusters* only a twink with such £lex earns that honour to equip the cloak :3
  7. Amnz_

    EU WTB zg chanted parachute cloak

    o/, looking to buy parachute cloak with +12 agil chanted on it. YES i know its expensive, YES i know its rare. btag Amiin#21120 + open a convo on xpoff
  8. Amnz_

    Veteran's Armory List (RETIRED)

    Just needs a teeny tiny bit of spice and it'll be completed! I've created a monster.
  9. Amnz_

    EU 9/9 Lynx

    WTB 9/9 Feet of the Lynx on any EU server (prefer alli RC) msg me on here or add my btag Amiin#21120. =) I have bought them from Lost. Overall transaction went incredibly smooth and would recommend doing trades with him, ty for the feet! <3
  10. Amnz_

    EU Some wise adventurer say he would rather watch paint dry.

    gief mi gold end i com clazzic @Dethtic
  11. Amnz_

    EU Some wise adventurer say he would rather watch paint dry.

    Then play 20's whilst having a sub in this current time. I mean there's nothing to it really, It's incredibly boring. I mean in EU atleast seems US has events and stuff going on way more constantly than EU. Thou that's not debate to start today. Durotar on the most active phase is dead with...
  12. Amnz_

    WTB spellshock leggings any pvp server 100,00

    Hey Fabb I got the spellshock leggings if you wanna buy =) ...In retail
  13. Amnz_


    whatever you say boomer, ok...boomer.
  14. Amnz_

    EU+US Hunter advice!

    So I was doing some dungeons with a friend and I forgot i had my xp on pretty much. Why it was turned on and how I didn't notice are two of the many questions I ask myself till this day, A rookie mistake!
  15. Amnz_

    EU+US Hunter advice!

    Yeah I did, although I didn't ask a GM to revert my level as I believe me levelling to 21 was fate. With my Hunter being ruined another character of mine will overcome the power he once held.
  16. Amnz_

    EU+US Hunter advice!

    Another poor soul, when attempting to get Thorbias (ilvl28), I also went to the goblin zone in Ashenvale. after roughly 11 hours of really. I've noticed that the WoWhead drops aren't 100% accurate lol and farming goblins for Thorbias isn't the most efficient method and doing...
  17. Amnz_

    Underwood ring 35-43

    Sure, just mail the ring to Åmïìñxðxø-Stormscale, and the payment will be made in discord feet pics. =)
  18. Amnz_

    EU+US Reps that 20's can farm =)

    thanks, though the guide is kinda out of date =)
  19. Amnz_

    EU+US Reps that 20's can farm =)

    O/, Me and Basilisk was farming some rep for a trinket out in Felwood, (Timbermaw). I'm wondering if there's any other reps that are available for a level 20 with a reward of some sort, (trinket, appearance or even tabard). List what y'all know!
  20. Amnz_

    Veteran's Armory List (RETIRED)

    The literal god of rogues :PogChamp: