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  1. Thrun Gaming

    9.1 20-29 meta findings

    Okay so having 3.1k... we're here talking in a bg setting not 1v1. his CB capped out at 2.9k ish. Assuming you didn't get into a 1v1 during a bg... that plus ANY instant cast kills you. I don't see what points you're trying to prove other than to just argue that you're doing something that matters.
  2. Thrun Gaming

    9.1 20-29 meta findings

    It's not that I look for that type of stuff, it was strickly the fact that it almost looked like it was lagging a bit when it ran compared to what it normally did. Had it not been for that I wouldn't have thought anything of it.
  3. Thrun Gaming

    LF armories of secondary stats stackers

    Ahh got me beat by 2 pieces of gear lol. I haven't been able to find them on the ah to finish my set. Well done!
  4. Thrun Gaming

    9.1 20-29 meta findings

    Ya know, a friend and I talked about that last night and we weren't sure if it was just a cosmetic thing that we were just noticing or if it had actually just been changed
  5. Thrun Gaming

    General how to cook the chicken

    Waking up to the greatest thing that I didn't know I needed. Well done
  6. Thrun Gaming

    LF armories of secondary stats stackers 105% mast as Destro 82% mast as Demo 132% mast as Afflic
  7. Thrun Gaming

    Sell your class to me

    And just put an epic cinematic behind this and you have a movie trailer!
  8. Thrun Gaming

    Sell your class to me

    Yesssss this is the type of things I wanna hear. Given it is about the class that I play but still. That's a great example of a class. Thank you for your input it was very well put together!
  9. Thrun Gaming

    Sell your class to me

    I'm not asking you to explain coolness, but what you like about your class. I understand that I would have to experience it. But I don't want to rush and get each class lvl'd and somewhat geared before my time runs out. I want to know what people's experience with each class is. What have you...
  10. Thrun Gaming

    Sell your class to me

    @Chops and @ohti I fully respect what you're saying but I want to know from people who play those classes. I want to know some detail as to why they enjoy it so much. Not just a chart showing where people think they should rank on "coolness"
  11. Thrun Gaming

    Sell your class to me

    I have played the same class (not same toon, but class) since Cata now. A warlock. That's what I have used as a main, that's what my twink is currently, and that's what I have the most knowledge of. I have read lots of things about other classes looking to branch out and away from what I know...
  12. Thrun Gaming

    Wanting to Join 39's

    So I mainly have all lvl 19's and lvl 20's with a single 29. But I am looking for a good change of pace and looking at getting into the 39 bracket. What is a good "starting" class to join the bracket that is easier to gear. Or would you guys recommend just getting the soc greens from the AH to...
  13. Thrun Gaming

    Farming Friends! (F2P/Vet tags)

    LuckyPants#155628 Alliance - NA - Bleeding Hallow Here for Dung and BoE Still have a sub for the next 2 months Edit: Added NA and realm
  14. Thrun Gaming

    Video idea, let me know if anyone is interested

    Ya know Glance, I keep re-reading a lot of the things that have been said during this thread and the one thing that keeps coming up in my mind is this: How "successful" can you really be when you're sitting here arguing about a video idea that you want to make? Why spend all the time and effort...
  15. Thrun Gaming

    F2P & Vet Armory List [SHADOWLANDS] Windwalker Monk Fieryfusion
  16. Thrun Gaming

    F2P & Vet Armory List [SHADOWLANDS]

    Twinkaholics, 20, Bleeding Hollow destro lock
  17. Thrun Gaming

    WTS Ilvl 28 Vale Walker's Pendant of the Harmonious w/ Socket

    Wanting to sell this neck. On US, Bleeding Hallow Alliance
  18. Thrun Gaming

    US Hard Crawler Chest

    Have gotten 1 epic and 3 rare on Aerie peaks horde. Looking to sell, give best offer, no epic listed on ah and dont want to over price at all.