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  1. Twinkbeast

    GF'ed and Rare Items for Sale

    I think its fair! But i also don't mind negotiating.
  2. Twinkbeast

    WTB Gloomshroud, Shadowfangs x2, metalworking Gloves and Feet of the linx, BH

    I have all but Fangs on Aerie Peak! Check out my thread
  3. Twinkbeast

    WTB Gloomshroud Armor

    Have one on Aerie Peak
  4. Twinkbeast

    GF'ed and Rare Items for Sale

    Gloomshroud on Aerie Peak!
  5. Twinkbeast

    GF'ed and Rare Items for Sale

  6. Twinkbeast

    GF'ed and Rare Items for Sale

  7. Twinkbeast

    GF'ed and Rare Items for Sale

  8. Twinkbeast

    GF'ed and Rare Items for Sale

  9. Twinkbeast

    When Queues Arent Popping, What Do You Do?

    Watch porn or play 29s..
  10. Twinkbeast

    GF'ed and Rare Items for Sale

  11. Twinkbeast

    Queues are fixed.

    XD np! Thats odd! I was qing 29s random bgs earlier today and i got a pop every 15 mins. Just try to just have nothing blacklisted. Could be the time of day, but with the amount of activity that f2ps have qs should be popping still
  12. Twinkbeast

    Queues are fixed.

    What level?
  13. Twinkbeast

    GF'ed and Rare Items for Sale

    Bump because of burrowing shovel!
  14. Twinkbeast

    Rate my Non-Fotm War-I-Or

    I have to hard carry him in arenas :P
  15. Twinkbeast

    Buying Shadowfang x2 on Bleeding Hollow (Horde)

    Lol tell me where i could get that please
  16. Twinkbeast

    Attention all BM monks and Disc priests

    What i don't understand is why people care so much about a thread being made. Let him make his thread.. It isn't harming anyone in anyway.
  17. Twinkbeast

    GF'ed and Rare Items for Sale

    Bump! Ill be on today!
  18. Twinkbeast

    X-MOG Rating Thread! (10-19 ONLY) 1-10 Scale!

    9/10 because of blue not purple shoulders! My 29 rogue! Twinkbeaster @ Argent Dawn - Community - World of Warcraft
  19. Twinkbeast

    GF'ed and Rare Items for Sale

  20. Twinkbeast

    Multistrike vs Crit for 19 rogue?

    Going to vers.. couldnt handle the small pokes.