Search results

  1. Twinkbeast

    Sub rogue "Hit n Git" or "Glass Cannon" build... suggestions?

    Jump around in front of a priest and wait for a bubble
  2. Twinkbeast

    19s Screen Shot Thread

    Why do are people complaining about feral's when clearly warriors are hella OP Jk...
  3. Twinkbeast

    29 Rogue BiS?

    More damage from opener
  4. Twinkbeast

    To all you scumbags....

    That's a low blow man :P
  5. Twinkbeast

    GF'ed and Rare Items for Sale

    Will do!
  6. Twinkbeast

    WTS SFK BoEs Bleeding Hollow - Paypal and Gold

    Is this really necessary? Let him sell it for whatever he wants to. If no one buys them then maybe he will eventually lower the price. But they are his Gloomshrouds and he has the right to price them at whatever price he wants to. When you get your own, then you can price them at whatever you'd...
  7. Twinkbeast

    WTS SFK BoEs Bleeding Hollow - Paypal and Gold

    I have actually sold multiple ones for over $40. Best of luck to you Kaneki!
  8. Twinkbeast

    GF'ed and Rare Items for Sale

    Ring of precision added and vibroblade add to BH Horde!
  9. Twinkbeast

    X-MOG Rating Thread! (10-19 ONLY) 1-10 Scale!

    9.9! Only not a 10/10 because i think the gold on the gloves throws it off just a tad. Iq @ Bleeding Hollow - Community - World of Warcraft
  10. Twinkbeast

    GF'ed and Rare Items for Sale

  11. Twinkbeast

    US Bracket Queue Thread

    WSG pop!
  12. Twinkbeast

    GF'ed and Rare Items for Sale

  13. Twinkbeast

    1 account with 2 characters with Scout title under level 20 (F2P)

    Post in account sales and provide masked armories! It really helps with selling the account
  14. Twinkbeast

    GF'ed and Rare Items for Sale

  15. Twinkbeast

    Feral Druid Ferocious Bite Bug

    Yeah I ve had the same issue. Occasionally my 5 point combo bite won't do any damage.
  16. Twinkbeast

    GF'ed and Rare Items for Sale

  17. Twinkbeast

    GF'ed and Rare Items for Sale

    Items moved to bh
  18. Twinkbeast

    WTB Gloomshroud, Shadowfangs x2, metalworking Gloves and Feet of the linx, BH

    Inbox is full, can't respond to you last PM. I have 1 on Gnomer and 1 on AD