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  1. Sicknature


    Mag mostly yes. TN simply has some of the best 20 players that this bracket has to offer.. Triclynick ft. Poledancer comes to mind :^)
  2. Sicknature

    Some mexicans...

    Lol cant tell if you are for real.. EU spanish speaking players are from SPAIN US spanish speaking players from MEXICO Grab your worldmap and you will see that the distance from country to servers is too much. Call all spanish people mexicans is kinda racist aswell :^) (Im from the netherlands...
  3. Sicknature

    Some mexicans...

    "Mexicans" play on US doe
  4. Sicknature

    Come at Me Bro

    153 replies and 11 pages long...
  5. Sicknature

    Swifty doing 10-19s possibly 19s? Why not! Duopally Feat. 2x videos

    You are still the worst pally of them all doe
  6. Sicknature

    You Ruined Everything.

    I admit that that 2nd comment was too much cripz bby dun cry pliz
  7. Sicknature

    You Ruined Everything.

    It's kinda the truth doe :p healer class capable of doing more damage than average dps class is broken :^>?
  8. Sicknature

    You Ruined Everything.

    Resto dousnt do op healing but the damage is still better than anything non druid i think.. seen "restos" do 2,5k bites
  9. Sicknature

    BIS Stamina Clothieîck/advanced Swap bracers for ivycloth of stam or imbued disciple bracers cuz both 7 stam and swap weapon for heirloom tank sword and old crafty Edit: equipped fc set for you, good luck :>
  10. Sicknature

    You Ruined Everything.

    Ty, now lets show some appreciation for Yek's beautiful video ^^
  11. Sicknature

    You Ruined Everything.

  12. Sicknature

    You Ruined Everything.

    You are entitled to your opinion and so am i.
  13. Sicknature

    You Ruined Everything.

    More like a year or two.
  14. Sicknature

    You Ruined Everything.

    Nope, just saying i hate them and that i would love to see them dissapear.
  15. Sicknature

    You Ruined Everything.

    If you steal a bike and dont get caught for a year then you are innocent aswell right?
  16. Sicknature

    You Ruined Everything.

    Right because boomies are specced thay way to stack spellpower for catform nowadays.
  17. Sicknature

    You Ruined Everything.

    Not every druid. I never hate on you do i? Never hate on doum or rasjah etc. These are faggots that glitched exploited and when i confronted them about it they farmed me for a month or three leading to me eventually moving on to a different game. I know that there are plenty of others that...
  18. Sicknature

    You Ruined Everything.

    No they are retarded because they purposely rape the bracket.
  19. Sicknature

    You Ruined Everything.

    Dude.. they have played druids through all of wod -.- If you play something actively and want to enjoy it them why keep playing such a broken class and actively keep raping the community, fun and que times? Wake up... PS: the only druid from your precious little fagtheridon that i can remotely...
  20. Sicknature

    Twink toplists, based on armory statistics

    This seems pretty bad lol