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  1. Downloading LoL... who should I try?

    buy soem riot points to buy champs and save all your ip for runes once you hit 21
  2. LoL - LFM Arranged Teams

    hey why did i get an infracion
  3. Post your Summoner Name!

    Baytez - main acct wise shoe - leveling to 30
  4. Ding level 30

    come play with me painaid
  5. Favorite hero thread.

    heimer will destroy the enemy tower in his lane in 2 mins and he is unpushable cuz his turret do more dps than anything else in this game
  6. LoL - LFM Arranged Teams

    I'll be able to play some on Friday. I will spend my time over the next two days speculating on the most viable playstyles and builds for Jax. Sincerely, Baytez
  7. Favorite hero thread.

  8. So how about that annie

    About 3-4 mins
  9. LoL - LFM Arranged Teams

    I will gladly fill the spot of Jax. I feel comfortable that I have properly mastered him and his playstyle. As Jax I feel people don't understand that his strongest build is to in fact stack health and mana regen. Persistence is the key to victory! Never give up!!!! Never surrender!!!!!!
  10. So how about that annie

    anNi3 1s a reaLLy g0Od aTTckR
  11. Favorite hero thread.

    i wish U the best of luck in you're future endeavors.
  12. LoL Help please!

    sivir is a horrible champ my tip is to get good end of conversation the consequences will never be the same
  13. Do you guys think this would work?

    it would defeat most enemy teams
  14. Favorite hero thread.

    he is the most balanced champion this game has ever seen
  15. LoL - LFM Arranged Teams

    those team comps are probably the worst comps i have ever seen in my entire life.
  16. Favorite hero thread.

    not if ur playing himmlerdonger
  17. Favorite hero thread.

    i wonder why
  18. Downloading LoL as we speak

    dont play this game twink info ppl except painaid ilu you dun goof end of conversation
  19. Hunter Vs Rogue

    if the rogue can pillar hump they can be a pita
  20. Premade Discussion

    hi ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~