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  1. JadeFire

    Queues alread 9m long and growing :/

    There is a reason that the alliance win rate goes up after CST school time and before bed time.. that when they are all on.
  2. JadeFire

    What spec works (or may work) at 29 (that simply didn't work at 20)

    Its the same as it was at 20... and exactly like everybody knew it would be except the dumb ass kids that were just in self denial about their skill level... alliance is basically all now arcane/hunter/priest/druid and a few trash warriors that just abuse 8sec retard stick... again... people...
  3. JadeFire

    Enhancement shaman weapons

    Yeah I have been liking both builds. I just went super haste/verse for Stormflurry. The haste meta gem just lets you sometimes smoke somebody, it is quite a boost in the cool down.
  4. JadeFire

    Enhancement shaman weapons

    Main hand > Purple Mok > Purple Cudgel > Blue Mok > Reroll Off hand > No real reason to give up the haste proc on the Blackout Truncheon. Stuff like the Bashguuder has the same problems as things like the Vibroblade in the past... they are gimmickey and barely every work the way you think they...
  5. JadeFire

    Do you support the recent queue separation for the 20-29 bracket?

    Que times are acceptable, sure the premades suck, but I mean at least the F2P can do something, as opposed to a leveler with missing gear slots that could do absolutely nothing.
  6. JadeFire

    Do you support the recent queue separation for the 20-29 bracket?

    Starting to see the S tier power creep tho start to hit (lot of kids did try to play the lower tier stuff, and sure you have more buttons, but S tier is S tier for a reason... and they are starting to just get bored of being humped). More games one side loses they ditch the trash and just make a...
  7. JadeFire

    Do you support the recent queue separation for the 20-29 bracket?

    Regardless you will be happy to know that the levelers are just as suspected... I joined a 20s leveling game and it was 90% hunters and arcane mages... they are doing just fine with out the 20ftps.
  8. JadeFire

    Do you support the recent queue separation for the 20-29 bracket?

    Somewhat unrelated: Obviously on a 20 that was working you are now with the 29s... I did have a 20 that I screwed up on and had XP locked when my sub turned off... that toon also now also queues with 29s (even tho he was unable to do 20s before the crappening)... just to remove that as a possiblity.
  9. JadeFire

    Do you support the recent queue separation for the 20-29 bracket?

    If it was not for levelers the 20s would not haven been there... if it was not for 20s the 29s would not be here... if it was not for stupidity nobody would be hear to read this. So I mean we can play circle of life all day. Queue or don't.
  10. JadeFire

    Do you support the recent queue separation for the 20-29 bracket?

    People don't have to offer intelligent arguments anymore they can just use the emotes instead of words that have been placed there as a courtesy to mentally ill children (somebody probably contacted the ADA and said that the forums were too "difficult") or just use low brow humor that gets one...
  11. JadeFire

    Do you support the recent queue separation for the 20-29 bracket?

    We are just running into the same issue as 20s. Right now till about 4pm cst. It's just alliance floating S-tier trash... Superkill just carrying random button masher mage trash that get to play because he is in front of them casually throwing 200k with 30 kills. Honestly the sad part is that...
  12. JadeFire

    Do you support the recent queue separation for the 20-29 bracket?

    I do 100% agree that the allure of FTP/Vets has always been killing levelers and that only 1-2% of those twinks give 1 actual fuck about facing each other (and those that do have arena builds and not open pvp glass cannon builds)... and even more so actually don't want to face each other...
  13. JadeFire

    Do you support the recent queue separation for the 20-29 bracket?

    I was leveling though the other day... there are people... quite a bit actually... that you can tell are using heirlooms, but stacking at least decent greens... and just basically just twinking the bracket... they get to 29 then just reroll... even seen some xpoff exploiters. That should just...
  14. JadeFire

    Do you support the recent queue separation for the 20-29 bracket?

    I mean to be fair you could just make a leveler and spam the "come make a 29, I'll dungeon run you and pay for gear"... though it 100% wont have the same effect with out seeing twinks smoking people... that is what gets people interested: "I can be an overgeared asshole too!?"... and with out...
  15. JadeFire

    Do you support the recent queue separation for the 20-29 bracket?

    Not really sure who plays when... but right now, after school gets out CST there are 3 to 4x as many Alliance 29s running around as Horde... FACT. During the day if I squeeze in a game or two its about even. Anybody wildly claiming that there are more Horde right now is a complete and utter...
  16. JadeFire

    Alliance 29s (and 27s) Community Invite Code [US]

    And that is exactly why things are trash. I'm glad you are a contributor. Good looking out.
  17. JadeFire

    Alliance 29s (and 27s) Community Invite Code [US]

    Here we go, schools out and there are at least 25 alliance 29s kids on... move some of that over to horde, you worthless hematoads.
  18. JadeFire

    Do you support the recent queue separation for the 20-29 bracket?

    Outside of just barrel rolling in a mindless premade versus unorganized players I do think the 4400 hp route is necessary. You at least have a chance to take the opening volley/aimed shot and just get healed. If you don't there is not even gonna be a chance for a healer to click on you. I would...
  19. JadeFire

    Do you support the recent queue separation for the 20-29 bracket?

    The main reason that I like the 29s is that the heals seem like support and not game defining.