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  1. JadeFire

    Fury Warrior Weapons

    The more 29s there are on the other team the worse fury gets exponentially more so they most other specs. It's mainly for just farming the 20s and occasionally taking advantage of one team having no heals or not. If there is any opposition/teams are even its just some even sustained non burst...
  2. JadeFire

    Which side needs more? Or are they close?

    No. After 9pm on a weekday after all the alliance kids are forced into bed by disappointed parents... that is "fringe play"... sure queue horde wait an hour and kill some 20s with no gem gear... those are not games... that is you wasting your time just slightly less than the 20s you are queuing...
  3. JadeFire

    Which side needs more? Or are they close?

    Outside of off hours that don't matter and when the horde magically gets 2 full premades into the same BG... the horde is officially unplayable.
  4. JadeFire

    Which side needs more? Or are they close?

    I don't really care about bizarre off hours or fringe play times. CST prime time the Horde is just liquid dog shit. It does not matter if they have *more* liquid dog shit or not, it's still liquid dog shit.
  5. JadeFire

    Which side needs more? Or are they close?

    It's just who is on and who is not. For the past 3 hours its just Superkill being pocket healed while the Horde queues level 20s that don't even have final level 20 twink gear (and I'm not joking). This is why there are 1 hour alliance queues at this time (and no it's not because there are no...
  6. JadeFire

    What spec works (or may work) at 29 (that simply didn't work at 20)

    I'd like to see it, so far tho all I have seen from people who have tried is they take a Balefire Chaosbolt in the face and explode... the HP/Defense to Damage ratio is even worse than it was at 20. I think people have ideas about it, but then when you get all your i37 gear you have like 20%...
  7. JadeFire

    Alucard 29 Warlock PvP Minitage/Gear guide

    With Destro being the 29 idiot spec you have some big shoes to fill.
  8. JadeFire

    25s vs 27s vs 29s

    Its more about heath pools than anything else right now, it just sucks that the 20s is so low.
  9. JadeFire

    What spec works (or may work) at 29 (that simply didn't work at 20)

    That is nice, but again... the guy asked "what is viable". You can make an Enhance and tell me all about how good it is, or a WW(Karma, Torpedo, blah blah blah), etc. And it will be good... when you are not facing down a pocket healed Fury warrior or just 3 locks firing off 4k bolts. It's not...
  10. JadeFire

    Enhancement shaman weapons

    More importantly is to understand how the 29 games actually play out. Its not Arena or End game... the fights are over in about 2 seconds, so you might as well just try to hit the hardest. Haste is nice, but not that important when you either drop somebody with verse and a crit or lose. All we...
  11. JadeFire

    Queues alread 9m long and growing :/

    1) Because kids show up for anything that is new. We are at the end of a cycle not the start. DF will bring in more players after they see what the norm is. Lot's of people just don't want to commit the time right now, justifiably so. They will more likely commit when they see that its a 2 year...
  12. JadeFire

    Priest vs Monk

    Priest is easy mode. 100%. Monk can heal as much and has a few nice little toys... but MW can't also dish out 100k and heal (maybe somebody pulled that out of their ass one time, just don't want it being displayed as the typical "one example proves a point on xpoff". Monk for skill and clout...
  13. JadeFire

    29's in DF - Won't exist?

    Are you sure somebody told you that?... are you sure it wasn't really nobody.
  14. JadeFire

    Queues alread 9m long and growing :/

    The issue with voting with your time is that denotes that your time was worth something to somebody... FTP is worth nothing to Blizzard. Just like I'm sure you like cheeseburgers, I can flippantly say "you don't you need cheeseburgers find something else to eat, at the end of the day its just...
  15. JadeFire

    Queues alread 9m long and growing :/

    Unfortunately the facts are the facts. The levelers are what made the queues pop all the time BEFORE the current debacle... not the amount of 20s (FTP or VET) that were in the bracket. With out levelers, even if there were no 29s, the queues would still suck badly. Don't try to convince yourself...
  16. JadeFire

    Queues alread 9m long and growing :/

    Because it's an off shoot "non-real" wow version that has a 100% ending point... when Blizzard launches the next legacy expansion version... WOTLK completely dies 10000000% (just like classic and TBC)... not true with retail... it will always be here (until at least the game ends). *the queues...
  17. JadeFire

    Queues alread 9m long and growing :/

    Ok, sure but what do you want. You can't jump off your roof and fly... no matter how much you want to, you will just land on your head and have your neck shoot out of your ass... you can't play a 20 and expect to kick ass... just make a 29 ... well worth 15 bucks a month... just don't eat a...
  18. JadeFire

    Queues alread 9m long and growing :/

    Ques are only long off hours, like I just told you. Yeah if you think you are going to play a 20 enhance and not get one shot... good luck... stack some stam and play a healer or something, you can then at least be useful. Sorry but reality is reality.
  19. JadeFire

    Queues alread 9m long and growing :/

    Outside of few really bad specs, I have seen every 29 able to do work. Sure Survival is still on top with random mega damage (you can get to 300k just firing serpent sting into healer groups), but Arcane/Balance/Frost/Elemental/MM/Sub/Enhance/Ret/Fury/Arms/Havoc/WW/Destro/Afflication all are...
  20. JadeFire

    Queues alread 9m long and growing :/

    You need to play from about 3:30 CST to about 6PM CST... have had several top notch games, plenty of 29s, sure there is a lot of 20 chaff, but few ungeared FTP trash at least that just have on bag-blues with no chants.