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  1. Asylum

    WTB a bunch of random 20s gear

    how much you paying?
  2. Asylum

    The Infarmory

    it would absolutely not be too much! and don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise!
  3. Asylum

    The Infarmory

    i like your ilvl 33s. :) added.
  4. Asylum

    The Infarmory

  5. Asylum

    The Infarmory

    added. added. added. added. added.
  6. Asylum

    Farming in Legion BOEs (Account Bans for "Bot Farming")

    i highly doubt this was twinks reporting, please remember it's space moose week, and levelers relish in policing the game. few people who have gotten banned have said they've had 60s inspecting them @ kobolds (which is where the archeo objectives are)
  7. Asylum

    Ilvl 54 artifact weapon nerf inc

    jokes aside, though... middle ground: fix wrapping glitch & level lock relic slot #2. GFed artifacts become either 34 or 37 (which isn't as egregious as 49 or 54). all the pixel junkies get to keep their street cred, and non-arti weapons become a fun/viable part of character building for...
  8. Asylum

    Ilvl 54 artifact weapon nerf inc

    don't be so hard on yourself, dude, you're getting a Del...
  9. Asylum

    Ilvl 54 artifact weapon nerf inc

    level 30* ...because... "progression"?
  10. Asylum

    New ILVL 54 artefact weapons

    you can do it with gametime, just be quick about it & do it before the gates drop (not to gain any XP). ;)
  11. Asylum

    returning to WoW/twinking after 2 years
  12. Asylum

    Monk crane kick damage

    the recipe is grandfathered, the materials to make it are not.
  13. Asylum

    New ILVL 54 artefact weapons

    nah, not having to jump through relic hoops to swap enchants & being able to apply oils makes i49s & bramble better by a margin.
  14. Asylum

    Currently Listening To...

  15. Asylum

    Currently Listening To...

  16. Asylum

    fighting games and old emulation

    :FrogeTorch: 2D only!
  17. Asylum

    old thread about DMF from BfA...

    old thread about DMF from BfA: believe it's still relevant.
  18. Asylum

    Best gloves enchant for FC?

    i would think: dh: +6 mastery (to buff armor of demon spikes) druid: +6 haste (to get heals/roots off faster)