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  1. ab has failed

    This pretty much confirms that the people in the "19 community" are shit.
  2. POLL: Who is the best 39 player?

    None of you even qued for BGs, 90 minutes after "official" start time. You're all the shittiest shamans.
  3. ab has failed

    k, so ques were supposed to start @ 8 eastern, per the AB que thread, are you saying that after a whole 45 minutes, people basically said fuck anybody who wanted to get some AB in, wsg or bust?
  4. ab has failed

    These kids with their short attention spans these days. Definitely should have started that age poll at around 5 or 6, tops.
  5. ab has failed

    Quit trying to sabotage the bracket, its fucking AB night, you could at least spend a fucking couple hours at it before jumping over to your fucking precious CTF maps. Fucking pathetic.
  6. POLL: Who is the best 39 player?

    Hey, at least it's more relevant than "who is the best lvl 10 player?".
  7. POLL: Who is the best 39 player?

    sry but best 39 rogue wouldn't get juked off gy
  8. Beautifully Summarized Explanation of Poor Quality

    From reading your summary, it would appear that you have not been getting into [US] 39s games. The magi and locks that I encountered last night, for instance, performed much better than your text would suggest.
  9. Beautifully Summarized Explanation of Poor Quality

    teet alternative spellings - Oxford Dictionaries (US English) (US) You are in no position to "give lessons" to anybody, on anything.
  10. My Thoughts on Consumable "Crutch"

    If you bind it to spacebar, nobody can bitch. TI 101
  11. Immvpee FC 39 PoV

    and apparently to the worst...
  12. expanding queue nights?

    Coco talking about balls to face just made my night. ;)
  13. Pick My Spec (Alliance)

    There's been alot more disc/rsham on alliance the past couple weeks, people answering the call for more alli heals. WW monk is underrated, and alot of fun to play, imo. An offensive-minded Disc would be great of course. Is there any particular classes that you are quite comfortable with? A...
  14. Immvp Drama Fix (suggestion)

    Neither "dis-proven", nor disgraced. Had I been "dis-proven", ALL jumps would be allowed. Livingfarce's "insults" actually make himself look like more of an idiot than any mud I could possibly sling. You should probably stick to 19s, it seems to be your mental limit. lol19huntardlols
  15. Immvp Drama Fix (suggestion)

    You're the most ignorant piece of dogmeat that I have ever met, you have the diction & general English comprehension of a spastic chimpanzee. Your ignorance is only exceeded by your ego. Go make another list of twink IPs, common criminal, hard to dodge that prison-colony stereotype when you...
  16. Another BG, another jump exploit - BAN THIS RIGHT NOW! Thanks

    Anybody can use consumables. Get that through your thick kangaroo-fucking skull.
  17. Immvp Drama Fix (suggestion)

    Enjoy the flash bombs, then.
  18. Immvp Drama Fix (suggestion)

    It's not an open bracket, the 39s xp-off bracket would not get pops without organization, negating the concept of "open bracket". Ignoring that simple fact will not make you seem any less of an idiot.
  19. Immvp Drama Fix (suggestion)

    The majority wants you to quit the bracket. Bye.
  20. Immvp Drama Fix (suggestion)
