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  1. US Who is this kid?

    Hasn't been an old twink posted in this thread yet, dude doesn't even have Sergeant. Noobs.
  2. US Twink Spotlight: Fearthebuns

    Oic, your mom bangs alot of autistic 10-year-olds, so naturally you assume anyone banging your mom is a) 10 years old, and, b) autistic.
  3. US Twink Spotlight: Fearthebuns

    Were you listening at the door again whilst I was banging your mom last night?
  4. US Twink Spotlight: Fearthebuns

    Nobody over the age of 12 would use the phrase "like an autistic 10 year old". If you're over that age and using phrases like that, seek help.
  5. US Twink Spotlight: Fearthebuns

    HB grew up and realized that 19s r 4 teh kidz, & ya'll got salty, got it.
  6. US 99 PVP Video - MK - Demonology Warlock

    Nobody good even stuck around the website when TI 'switched' to xp off, wtf are you even trying to say, is somebody supposed to care that the clique of 12-year-olds that CURRENTLY reside on xp off don't remember a bracket that was known well on TI & pwndepot(, back when...
  7. How to fix BGT/Battleground Targets.

    "program files times eighty six", lol ;)
  8. US Recruiting 99's Below Us - Tichondrius (Horde)

    You guys have alli on tich too? I'd thought you just had horde on tich, and alli was still on Skywall? Shout out to Reckoning 39s :)
  9. US 99 PVP Video - MK - Demonology Warlock

    "sacred ground" wtf? sounds pretty pussy to me lets kick things up a notch Thrall lost all legitimacy as a twink realm way back when <Retro> was trading nudes for wins. <F.O.D.C.> so far seems like <Retro> 2.0(beta)... get heated
  10. My Political Stance

    Every pres since Carter released them. Even Nixon did before Carter. Trump obviously has more to hide than "Honest Richard", he has blatant conflicts of interest, so he won't release them. If he didn't have a crapton of conflicts to hide, he would have already released his returns. It is not...
  11. My Political Stance

    So? Didn't vote for Obama either, hypocritical list is still full of hypocrisy. Besides, the current administration says that everything Obama did was bad, mmkay, surely he wouldn't just rubber-stamp something that the Obama admins wrote up, he's 'different' than all the politicians in the...
  12. My Political Stance

    The word conjures up a mental image of the typical "person" who uses it: Big jacked-up pickup truck, diesel "smoker" of course, gun rack hanging over top of Confederate battle flag, license plate reading "CMPNS8TR"; guy gets dumped by every girlfriend he's ever had right after the first time...
  13. My Political Stance
  14. My Political Stance

    More extremist terrorists come from Saudi Arabia than all of the "Muslim 7" combined. Then again, Trump doesn't do business with the "Muslim 7"...what was this ban about again?
  15. Everything Super Bowl LI

    I heard you got a PhD in getting your roof jacked...
  16. Woman

    What you need to do is begin acclimating yourself to navigating the kitchen/bathroom whilst sharing those rooms with 3 wimmen, those fems as well need to acclimate to your pace, gait, & rhythm in order to achieve harmonious movement throughout the rooms. The most successful acclimation process...
  17. Church is pointless.

    18 minutes for the summons, not bad. Probs would have been faster if you'd said the name 3 times. Still, made for a nice segue.
  18. Church is pointless.

    Ya then you could go to your place of worship and get killed by a Trump supporter. #realterroristthreat
  19. Is TwinkInfo dead?

    Idk bout you, but I wasn't one of the ones that followed your opiate-addicted friends into <Narcotics Anonymous>, never found a compelling reason to do opiates, at all, ever, but hey I guess things were different back in 2009, the last time I saw you on a twink...
  20. Is TwinkInfo dead?

    Oh so we keep going from better websites to shittier & more toxic websites, ya I see the pattern.