Search results

  1. Baelo

    80 Twinks in Cata and Mists

    I am already preparing some 80s for cata. Any EU players planning on doing the same?
  2. Baelo

    Cudgel or Scepter of Naralex for mw monk

    Hello boys I'm working on a lvl 10 mw monk for boosting dungeons, and I wonder what the best weapon for this would be. Cudgel has more dmg, but the scepter gives int, and i'm really not sure how the wep dmg/int scale works like as a healer for dmg.. if that makes any sense.. Are any of you...
  3. Baelo

    The Infarmory

    Hunter for pulling: Warrior for killing:
  4. Baelo

    20s Arena Season Ladder

    Afaik crits in pvp actually was changed to 175% in shadowlands
  5. Baelo

    Baelo's Ravencrest EU sale thread. Socket+speed, savant, adaptable

    All items are located on Ravencrest EU (Alliance) Discord MAG#3914 Battletag MAG#22749 Current speed+socket gear: C/O 350k Savant items with socket: Plate chest Plate shoulders Plate head Leather gloves Leather shoulders Cloth head Cloth shoulders Adaptable items with socket: Mail...
  6. Baelo

    Is a lvl 30 debuffer a good idea?

    How does this work exactly? The debuff only lasts for 5 mins? What if the bg lasts longer than that? Won't you get huge exp from winning/losing the bgs?
  7. Baelo

    PROJECT 30 re launch ?

    It was on Stormscale Horde, EU
  8. Baelo

    lvl29 Twink in BG?

    This ^
  9. Baelo

    (EU) Thunder Totem ring 18 vers, 7 crit SPEED+SOCKET

    Located on Ravencrest EU Discord MAG#3914 Battletag MAG#22749
  10. Baelo

    (EU) WTS Harmonious Leather gloves, speed+socket (heavy vers)

    Located on Revencrest, Alliance. Discord: MAG#3914 battletag MAG#22749
  11. Baelo

    [EU Stormscale] WTS iLvL 28 Adapt cloak/Peerless Azurewing ring. Both with socket + speed.

    What kinda price are you expecting? Asking because I'm considering to start farming stuff myself, but not sure if it's worth it.
  12. Baelo

    (EU) What server has highest BoE demand?

    Hey boys I want to farm BoE's for 20 twinks, but i'm not sure which server i should do so on. I'm really out of the loop in regards to 20 twink activity, so I don't know which server has the most activity. Can you help me out? Thanks
  13. Baelo

    PROJECT 30

    For those interested, here is a clip from one of our runs
  14. Baelo

    PROJECT 30

    Titan Boosting already did it multiple times
  15. Baelo

    My first Herald run on warlock

    We are kinda spread out. Personally I'm on Stormscale, which is a popular twinking server on EU at any bracket :D