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  1. Restoring 39: 2nd part

    :O How did ya know my last name? :O
  2. Restoring 39: 2nd part

    Ally or Horde?
  3. EU. How many will rock without BoAs.

    Hopefully we do :) My hunter hit 39 the other day, and is now only missing a few pieces of gear :) Are you rolling horde or ally?
  4. EU. How many will rock without BoAs.

    I'm rockin' without BoA's :)
  5. [EU] WTB 39 stuff on Draenor Alliance

    Bump, still buying.
  6. [EU] WTB 39 stuff on Draenor Alliance

    Bump. :D...
  7. [EU] WTB 39 stuff on Draenor Alliance

    Wow! That's a hell lot of gold - I've heard it varies from a few hundred if you're lucky to 1-2 k :o
  8. Restoring 39: 2nd part

    Are you ally or horde? :3
  9. [EU] WTB 39 stuff on Draenor Alliance

    Money is not a problem :) What would u say it's worth nowadays?
  10. [EU] WTB 39 stuff on Draenor Alliance

    I am buying the following items on Draenor Alliance: 9/9 Monkey/falcon/eagle boots (leather) Aquamarine Signet of the Eagle/Falcon/Monkey Shadowforge Bushmaster Spiritchaser staff of power (must be perfect)! Contact me here, or on one of the following chars on draenor...
  11. Which BG is most active 39's

    I hope you guys are allies, as we're only 1/4th as many as the horde 39's on Draenor.
  12. Funniest class at 39?

    I am rolling ally.
  13. Funniest class at 39?

    Well, I do not have acces to Bind-on-Account Items so BaR is not a posibility. However, I think i'll roll a druid :P Sounds like a lot of fun to me ;)
  14. Funniest class at 39?

    Thanks :) Which one is the cheapest to gear out, cause I won't be spending 20k on a PoD :)
  15. Funniest class at 39?

    Well, I like them all very much :P Which class has the highest damage, and which one has the highest survivability? :)
  16. Just wanted to say that BOA's or no BOA's, Dazzling longsward is still a no-go

    Tbh, fuck the gear restrictions on anything but BoA's. Everybody has acces to AGM, and yes, DLS is good against rogues but what ever, get this bracket going - then you can start thinking about gear restrictions.
  17. Funniest class at 39?

    So I am leveling one of my level 19's to 39, in the Blackout Battlegroup, and I was wondering which class is the funniest? I have the choice between; Rogue, Warrior,Paladin, Druid or Hunter :) It is my first 39 ever, so I am not really skilled in the bracket. PS I like Really...
  18. 60 Twink - [EU] Al'akir, Blackout.

    Sounds interesting, I might come and join you - always wanted to twink @ 60.
  19. Max AP rogue

    this would be my best bet.
  20. 5vs5! EU

    Yaaay. it's working again! :)