Search results

  1. EU_ Revival of the bracket

    Yes you should. Roll an ally on Darkmoon Faire and I'll help funding you :-)
  2. BiS for Hpally?

    Egmollie @ Darkmoon Faire - Game - World of Warcraft Dunno if it's BiS, but it's doing very well imo :-)
  3. EU_ Revival of the bracket

    You can count me in :-) Egmollie @ Darkmoon Faire - Game - World of Warcraft -Egmoller
  4. GM of Highwav is back - Calling all EU 39's!

    I just started playing again too, and I'd really like some 39 activity again :-) -Vug
  5. How to: Bounty Hunter's Bracers

    Actually, the gm didn't delete the old reward for me either - GM asked me nicely, if i would please get rid of it in some way, so i wouldn't end up with 2 rewards from the same quest :) oh, and armory link: Tafarii @ Draenor - Game - World of Warcraft
  6. How to: Bounty Hunter's Bracers

    Indeed they are :-) I'm loving the crit!
  7. How to: Bounty Hunter's Bracers

    The items are still possible to get with help from a GM. I got my old reward (The Mail Shoulders) changed to today :-)
  8. EU WTB stuff @ Draenor

    PM'd both of you :)
  9. EU WTB stuff @ Draenor

    Get the hell outta my thread if you've got nothing to say but bullshit :) thanks.
  10. EU WTB stuff @ Draenor

    WTB stuff @ Draenor I'm buying the following items: Cobalt Crusher, Mechbuilder's Overalls Beguiler Robes and Glowing Magical Bracelets PM me on here or contact me on Draenor alliance, Egmollie :)
  11. EU WTS Formal Dangui on Shadowsong

    I'll pay 5,5! :)
  12. EU WTS 19, 29 and 39 items Dunemaul and Draenor

    WTS 19, 29 and 39 items Dunemaul and Draenor So I'm selling the following on Draenor: 1x Gazlowe's Charm 1x Prospector Axe 1x Truesilver Commander's Ring 1x Shield of Thorsen 1x Amy's Blanket 1x Battered Jungle Hat 8) 1x Noble's Robe 1x The Green Tower 1x Adventurer's Pith...
  13. EU WTS Formal Dangui on Shadowsong

    If you can come to dunemaul, ill pay 4k
  14. Beste 15lvl twink EU

    Do you guys know how to get Keeshan's Burlap Vest - Item - World of Warcraft ? and what level is it available at? :-)
  15. EU WTB Formal Dangui on Draenor

    Bumpidy bump :)
  16. WTB Formal Dangui

    Bumbidy bump for stunggix :)
  17. EU WTB Formal Dangui on Draenor

    WTB Formal Dangui on Draenor As the title says, I'm buying a formal Dangui on Draenor. My characters are on alliance site, but we could figure something out with the Neutral AH too. I'm paying up to 3000g. Pm me on here, or whisper me on; Tafarii, Vûg or Búbblègúm
  18. Restoring 39: 2nd part

    Had our first AB tonight, along with 4 wsgs.
  19. New to 39s

    Horde :3 101010
  20. What's the best AH deal you've gotten, ever...

    3/3 eagle wrangler's 1g50s Magefist Gloves 5g Dazzling Longsword 50g