Search results

  1. The War Within 10s & 11s Armory 10 MW 10 rdruid 11 fury...
  2. WoD Dungeons party finder?

    Anyone wanna do a ingame community for finding WoD dungeons lvl 10? Or we can share tags here: EU Horde Sorry if this has already been done
  3. EU GEAR HUNTER : 28 ilvl items Farming Bot.

    for the small price of 30 euro wtf xD
  4. EU WTS Level 20 epics EU Horde

    Price for Foamspittle Staff 2/5 x2 on Ragnaros horde?
  5. EU+US Heads up March 21-24, free play weekend...

    Will i be able to trade with a brand new F2p account during the free weekend? So i can give it enchants and lvl engineering?
  6. EU+US Epic slitherscale grind.

    Can they proc epic?
  7. EU WTB enchant on shoulders

    Ahh yeah ofc ^^ I need it on my lvl 20 druid, at Ragnaros EU horde. Shoulders i have cloaked shoulders i need 2 int 1 crit on. I can pay gold on ANY highpop and most low pop servers!
  8. Murloc Oracles Westfall

    Anyone doing farm group for this? I would love to join. EU horde Donboss#1929 is my tag
  9. EU WTB enchant on shoulders

    WTB enchant on my BOE shoulders . Will pay for the help. LMK if its possible
  10. EU WTS Magefist lvl req 25. On Ravencrest A

    Stats: 8 int 10 stamina 7 versa Ilvl is 33. Selling cheap.
  11. EU WTS lvl 8 Skullflame shield

    Im selling the lvl 8 skullflame shield, on the server Ragnaros. Looking for gold on most realms. I can show the item ingame
  12. EU So i bought this shield on AH. Wtf?

    Heres a picture. The stats i posted in my first post is when i view the item from my lvl 10. I can show the item ingame!
  13. EU So i bought this shield on AH. Wtf?

    Was randomly searching through Ah for some goodies and found this skullflame shield, it only requires lvl 8 to wear. When im looking at stats on my lvl 10 it has 45 armor 112 block 3 strenght / 8 int 3% chance u will lifesteal 32 hp 1% chance u will do 6 fire dmg around you can anyone explain...
  14. PTR Possible new gear for lvl 110?

    I was looking through Wowheads article of the new items coming tomorrow, where i found something interesting. In the MOP timewalking section, it...
  15. Selling holy 810 relic Ragnaros horde >>EU<<

    Selling it on horde, no bids yet
  16. EU Free Relics

    I got a holy on Ragnaros if anyone needs
  17. EU+US Relic Info

    I usually buy them for 200g each. I actually make gold off these, even tho i haven't had any luck with 810 relics. Sold a pair of 890 legs for 90k i got in them
  18. EU+US 101 twinks with rare and/or epic followers..

    how can rogues get follower items?
  19. EU+US Weekly Reminder to Kill World Bosses!

    Damn .. Thanks for the update tho!
  20. EU+US Rogues unite

    Hmm..... I cannot go over 1,2mil envenom crits, i think im doing something wrong :D