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  1. Tidey

    Official Epic Upgrade Bragging Thread (Warning: Jealousy/Salt)

    making a new character entirely or race changing? b/c like every time I've seen someone on a rerolled toon just to obtain an epic quality item they have a shit ton of gear which most likely means they race changed. Right?
  2. Tidey

    US player tier list

    wait can I see the armories of the "best" of each class? no judgement here I just like looking at the armories
  3. Tidey

    Trending Official blizzard response on the bracket seperation

    yes actually, the pugging was great. very competitive matches all around
  4. Tidey

    Trending Official blizzard response on the bracket seperation

    exactly, makes me wanna play wow again I understand that shit's a rough hit to brackets that aren't super populate but fk come on down to 29's and it'll be a blast. honestly the levelers ruined gameplay for me. my favorite map av will now be competitive once again! hardcore pugging is back boys
  5. Tidey

    Trending Official blizzard response on the bracket seperation

    wait isn't it great news the bgs and arenas will be twinks strictly? idk much but I do know every Twink was bitching when they heard they would have to play with levelers lmao
  6. Tidey

    Bug with Tumultuous Necklace Reward?

    dude, you have terrible run-on sentences.
  7. Tidey

    Laptop comparisons ThinkPad E490 base price $656.10 right now. However you can upgrade all the pieces. for example- i3-i7 $210 (worth it) --> total $845.10 8GB-16GB memory (worth it and you can go up to 32GB) ---> total $940.50...
  8. Tidey

    US 20-29 AV / IoC

    get tf out of here then
  9. Tidey

    Guild Wars 2

  10. Tidey

    49 Monk vs. 88 Hunter

    ah we got Debby downer- ur no fun :/
  11. Tidey

    EU WTB scaled bvb

    Black Venom Blade; incredibly hard dagger to get(and if scaled correctly, max agi with proc for elemental force ticks). ofc I haven't played in a while and I hear they r nerfing ele... oh well.
  12. Tidey

    Share your Scoreboards

    duuuude chill with that lmaooo
  13. Tidey

    EU+US New WSG Map PTR Testing Saturday 10pm EAST

    lmao @Light only white boys would use the arapahoe high school shooters as profile pictures. same with you @Goohd. stop trynna be black. FOH.
  14. Tidey

    Cloak of Rot?

    yeah... used to be a spriest item old 29's. not sure the numbers but u have urself a nice boe
  15. Tidey

    Most Fun Melee Classes?

    ur fkn dumb. twinking is about maximizing dps situationally not overall dps. so yes, rogue for its situations and balance for its situations. we're not here to say which class u like best. bruh what? i love it when ppl try to point things out and try to seem smart. it always ends in a comment...
  16. Tidey

    Most Fun Melee Classes?

    go play sublety rogue. fun mobility, big dps. also, more swag? rip outlaw but sublety is fire.
  17. Tidey

    All Level Transmogs

    love ur shit man, not just the pics but the comments as well. keep it going dog
  18. Tidey

    US Rogue GF Gear Check

    ooh this is nice
  19. Tidey

    what does the raitings mean under the prdofile

    what does the raitings mean under the prdofile
  20. Tidey

    Alliance twinking community

    code doesnt work for me... maybe another might?