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  1. 24 Ele Sham opinions and tips.

    I would use Jade Spirit, Herbalism instead of Engineering, and scryer inscription if you want to get really picky
  2. Week 3 F2P Summer Premade Signup (June 22nd)

    Fannypacker/Balance Druid/Ursin/Alliance Kaff/Elemental Shaman/Mug'thol/Horde
  3. Official 3s tournament (Hosted by SCC) 4/25/14

    Team Name : Three Hogs One Trough Realm Name: Argent Dawn/Kael'thas Team Set up: Druid/Mage/Paladin Team Leader: Kunz
  4. 20 vs. 24 Hit Capping

    What % hit does a level 20 caster need to hit cap against a 24?
  5. The Truth About Idiote

    We fucking talked about this already...
  6. 39 Wargames

    Anyone interested in doing 3v3 wargames today? Or in the future? Add me: kunz#1206
  7. This Bracket Needs Some Change. Hear Me Out

    Lord Idiote is an all around great player. His passion for fun competitive play and goofy youtube videos is what makes him the legend that I know he is today. In my opinion, the top hpal and druid to grace this bracket. Despite the fact that he plays overpowered classes exclusively (19...
  8. sneaky hacked again

    Shinobi @ Elune - Community - World of Warcraft
  9. Hardest 19 to roll and play?

    mistweaver monk
  10. Best Alliance race for warrior?

  11. Premades and Realid/battletag

    add kunz #1206 if you want to play alliance right now
  12. Premades and Realid/battletag

    I wanna play! kunz#1206 Ally RSham/Priest Horde Hpal/Priest
  13. 19 twink Ore's (Boomkin Style play)

    you don't play hit capped?
  14. Where did you come from?

    Gaitt Level 30 Mage, Windrunner, Reckoning Eyeswatter Level 29 Paladin, Windrunner, Reckoning When WSG first came out I was obsessed with flag running. So before they changed the brackets from 21-30 to 20-29 I made a level 30 twink mage, stacked intellect, spammed mana shield, and ran flags all...
  15. 24 mage (Ally)

    that's a way better idea actually... listen to this guy
  16. 24 mage (Ally)

    that's me =)
  17. 24 mage (Ally)

    Here is the gear i use for my ally mage. chardev 9 In order to get hit capped at 24 without horde gear or sacrificing minor speed you use: Grand Staff of Jordan (12 stam/48 SP/8 hit/8 resil) and either Spidersilk Drape w/Silk-Threaded Trousers 14 int/12 stam or Spidersilk Drape w/Godfrey's...