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  1. Akilleez

    Currently Listening To...

    Pvp Music
  2. Akilleez

    The only contribution your gear will make to your overall power is through a small modifier...

    The only contribution your gear will make to your overall power is through a small modifier based on your average item level. For every point that your average item level increases, your pre-determined PvP stats will increase by 0.1%. That means a 25 item level difference between two players...
  3. Akilleez

    The iIvl is higher though. Which in the end will give you the boost.

    The iIvl is higher though. Which in the end will give you the boost.
  4. Akilleez

    EU+US Tanaris

    Yeah Sorry i didn't go any further than saying there is a Dal port at Shrine haha, Got Sidetracked. Violet Citadel Portal in Dal is %100 the fastest.
  5. Akilleez

    EU+US Tanaris

    Get a mage to port you to Vale of Eternal Blossoms and set your hearth there. That way you have all faction cities + Shat & Dal. There is also a gnome standing next to a teleportation thingy outside of the shrine itself that can port you to ratchet(For Northern Barrens invasions). Best way to...
  6. Akilleez

    I'm back to having issues again also. worked for a moment. I'll let you know if i find a fix...

    I'm back to having issues again also. worked for a moment. I'll let you know if i find a fix. Any help from anyone is would be appreciated XPOFF :D!
  7. Akilleez

    No probs. Hope it works for you!

    No probs. Hope it works for you!
  8. Akilleez

    Clear Caches and Cookies etc. Seems to have stopped for me atm after doing this.

    Clear Caches and Cookies etc. Seems to have stopped for me atm after doing this.
  9. Akilleez

    No just ExpOff acoount. Didn't want to use my You?

    No just ExpOff acoount. Didn't want to use my You?
  10. Akilleez

    Everytime i click on something on the site i have to re log in.....Any1 else having issues or...

    Everytime i click on something on the site i have to re log in.....Any1 else having issues or know what's causing this for me? .Over it.....
  11. Akilleez

    Warforged & yes Titanforged Invasion Gear

    The gear that is warforged with no stat difference whatsoever looks like it's scaling is just bugged for lower levels. I'm hoping Blizzard doesn't remove the higher ilvl gear we can currently get and say something like "It was intended for the max lvl gear only" or something :P. But i'm sure...
  12. Akilleez

    New to XP OFF, Was a TwinkInfo member. Looking to get back into Twinks! Site looks good! :)

    New to XP OFF, Was a TwinkInfo member. Looking to get back into Twinks! Site looks good! :)
  13. Akilleez

    Warforged Invasion Gear

    Loving the invasions, Though i doubt it will feel that way by the end of the gear grind.... So far iv'e lost count of chests but i have 44 warforged weap and boots on my Warrior and shoulders on my rogue. Running 2 accounts.
  14. Akilleez

    Items,Gear,Weaps I should get before faction changing.

    As i said. All Xmog item's aren't listed in that post. Curley lists Gear faction specific for stats not Xmog. through out that thread i doubt severely all Xmog is listed. I see no harm in someone making a new thread to get other's opinion. Curley's Guide was made in mop so possibly things may...
  15. Akilleez

    Items,Gear,Weaps I should get before faction changing.

    I Checked the link u gave him. it's not "All" in the link u posted at all, He is asking for trans items also. That guide has horde specific gear yes. But some thing's aren't listed. You have taken a dislike to this post because similar have been done in the past, We understand. But you don't...
  16. Akilleez

    Items,Gear,Weaps I should get before faction changing.

    Play whatever class you enjoy and makes u happy.
  17. Akilleez

    What do you drive?

    U sick bastard. xD. He'd have a line up with that mullet though....
  18. Akilleez

    What do you drive?

  19. Akilleez

    :)! Advice/Idea's for gearing

    Hey yall! :), After a bis armory for Arms pvp warrior, or fury if easier to find these days. also a pve armory if possible. and same thing for prot. tia :). coming back to twinking and no idea where i should start!.
  20. Akilleez

    What actually killed each bracket?

    Queues have been fixed!