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  1. Visual

    Don't troll me.. I've been waiting for HxH to return !!

    Don't troll me.. I've been waiting for HxH to return !!
  2. Visual

    No it's mine

    No it's mine
  3. Visual

    Rogue FC video is out! Hope everyone enjoys it <3

    Rogue FC video is out! Hope everyone enjoys it <3
  4. Visual

    Visual 1 of 1 Rogue FC Video

    This is the first video I have ever created and edited. I wanted to do something different and unique so for the past month I've been recording rogue fc gameplay. I hope you guys enjoy it!! <3
  5. Visual

    youtube copyright is lame.. I need to find 2 new songs now lol

    youtube copyright is lame.. I need to find 2 new songs now lol
  6. Visual

    Looking for a 2nd song atm it probably will be some type of metal/hard rock. First song will be...

    Looking for a 2nd song atm it probably will be some type of metal/hard rock. First song will be a rap song @Bop
  7. Visual

    Rogue FC video coming soon!!

    Rogue FC video coming soon!!
  8. Visual

    Rogue spec teir list for 30's?

  9. Visual

    2k shadowstrike crits make me happy

    2k shadowstrike crits make me happy
  10. Visual

    Did they remove damage dealt on the scoreboard?

    That happened to me after my game disconnected while inside a bg. Just reload UI or reload WoW and it should show again
  11. Visual

    My neighbor is 65 and taking shots of patrón with me at 12 pm on a thursday lol

    My neighbor is 65 and taking shots of patrón with me at 12 pm on a thursday lol
  12. Visual

    Worst farming experience?

    Sliver of Na'the was annoying since I was super unlucky but finally dropped after 23,000 kills
  13. Visual

    That was one of the biggest bursts i've done so far! I wish I had orc racial up ): GGS always...

    That was one of the biggest bursts i've done so far! I wish I had orc racial up ): GGS always fun games :D
  14. Visual

    Tauren rogues

    I can't wait to be a cow
  15. Visual

    I might try tauren rogue just for the laughs if I am still horde lol

    I might try tauren rogue just for the laughs if I am still horde lol
  16. Visual

    Can't wait to see the legend Sketch in more bgs ! <3

    Can't wait to see the legend Sketch in more bgs ! <3
  17. Visual

    I guess rogue fc is so op that someone told me I am ruining new players experience in bgs lmao

    I guess rogue fc is so op that someone told me I am ruining new players experience in bgs lmao
  18. Visual

    What did you name your irl pet(s)?!

    I had 2 great danes growing up and just recently got another one! It sucks they don't live that long because they are awesome dogs.. I waited awhile after my 2nd dane passed away and decided I wanted another one who I've had since November 2021. Here are their names in order: Hank Mack Beau
  19. Visual

    play glasscannon sub for 2k shadowstrikes

    play glasscannon sub for 2k shadowstrikes
  20. Visual

    I'm hyped for the new talent system

    I'm hyped for the new talent system