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  1. Dimitri

    US Faction imbalance issue

    Was the Best Q session i have had in a while winning, losing, balanced, unbalanced games Def looking forward to more like that ggs.
  2. Dimitri

    US Faction imbalance 2

    Light just open Instagram or go out this threads are cringe.
  3. Dimitri

    US getting tired of farming alliance

    Bien carnal que cuentas.
  4. Dimitri

    US getting tired of farming alliance

    Faction change.
  5. Dimitri

    Forming alliance wargames rn

    Forming alliance wargames rn
  6. Dimitri

    Forming wargames

    Forming wargames
  7. Dimitri


    So imagine the bg chat being this all the wargame.
  8. Dimitri


    I love You druhgy
  9. Dimitri

    EU+US max ver priest 20 twink

    This is why i still play 20s, good stuff.
  10. Dimitri

    Forming rn

    Forming rn
  11. Dimitri

    10v10 tonight

    10v10 tonight
  12. Dimitri

    Niceeeee 10v10 ggs

    Niceeeee 10v10 ggs
  13. Dimitri

    10v10 wargames in 1H (20s)

    10v10 wargames in 1H (20s)
  14. Dimitri

    not really : /

    not really : /
  15. Dimitri

    yesterday i got beat up and robbed, fuck halloween.

    yesterday i got beat up and robbed, fuck halloween.
  16. Dimitri

    Did all ally twinks logged after wining that game 0.o

    Did all ally twinks logged after wining that game 0.o
  17. Dimitri

    Q more wsggggg

    Q more wsggggg