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  1. Trialdruid

    EU EU Activity on the Rise!

    He did, he literally tagged me by replying on a comment that never had anything to do with him or never mentioned him or never talked about anything related of him edit: actually you are right in the sense that he didnt quote, I misspoke
  2. Trialdruid

    EU EU Activity on the Rise!

    i can start putting out vods so people can get rid of this miss conception
  3. Trialdruid

    EU EU Activity on the Rise!

    i dont understand why you flame Nayani, I haven't addressed you once and this topic has nothing to do with you
  4. Trialdruid

    EU EU Activity on the Rise!

    why do you talk in plural? you get farmed every single time you play solo
  5. Trialdruid

    EU EU Activity on the Rise!

    better call your home boys to not get perma contained out of the server when you solo queue
  6. Trialdruid

    EU EU Activity on the Rise!

    upping your post count by troll posts gratz
  7. Trialdruid

    EU EU Activity on the Rise!

    Like I said, dp is better after 6 stacks when ms is irrelevant and its better for premade 'cause u can trust your healers to not let you free die by them being in the wrong position
  8. Trialdruid

    EU EU Activity on the Rise!

    dm'd you on wow, time to put a stop to this lying
  9. Trialdruid

    EU EU Activity on the Rise!

    add my skype so from tomorrow onwards i can send you all the vods of the games i have played in from my pov and the endscreen shots so you dont have to make things up anymore
  10. Trialdruid

    EU EU Activity on the Rise!

    i'm not stubborn, i have positive win rate and good cap rate in the games I play and I have good cap ratio regardless of team setup
  11. Trialdruid

    EU EU Activity on the Rise!

    DP is good for premade, its not good pre 6 stacks, disengage counters DP, feral/boom dp counters dp, its only ok vs rog and war and to me feline is better vs rog too when u have good map awareness, feline is good for first cap and its good for preventing DP druid repicks and rogue resets EDIT...
  12. Trialdruid

    EU EU Activity on the Rise!

    I played 10 games today and won 6 of them and out of those 10 games I solo lost the game in one of those by miss positioning being 1-0 up in every single game before 2 mins have passed in the game, I'll take that deal anytime also i capped most of the flags in every single game alliance played today
  13. Trialdruid

    EU EU Activity on the Rise!

    gurke man you need to stop getting triggered when we are 3x games in a row 1-0 up cuz their rogues cant reset vs feline and their druid doesnt get repick cuz I outrun DP, rly pisses me off when u perma spam the chat instead of playing
  14. Trialdruid

    EU EU Activity on the Rise!

    lol Omgmom, BO & Sputnick in the same game #Old#Guard
  15. Trialdruid

    EU EU Activity on the Rise!

    Gj people it has been really active today, keep it up (Y)
  16. Trialdruid

    EU EU Activity on the Rise!

    19s up
  17. Trialdruid

    EU EU Activity on the Rise!

    Ally needs more players
  18. Trialdruid

    EU EU Activity on the Rise!

    Epic memers get back to que'ing
  19. Trialdruid

    US Original from 19 bought a pilot.

    Man it takes real talent to be silver 5 still in league LOL ... inbefore Hurrx goes on another rant about duo'ing with me like 2 years ago ....
  20. Trialdruid

    Addressing the Current Situation

    Seems like a lot of money wasted into something that has NO FUTURE, inbefore retards start trolling shit like: "Stfu retard you can't comprehend his/my vision" Let it go dawgs, it's over