Search results

  1. Trialdruid

    US Another best of list... Personality

    Pre US Hardbass Pre Wrath Phonebook Wopper Osiri Mesikämmen
  2. Trialdruid

    EU EU Activity on the Rise!

    I have loselogged for 3 weeks now and only lost a handful of games, meaning I have always played on the losing side and won the game(regardless of my team setup or the players i have played with and the players that have been on the opposite side) and there has always been only _One common...
  3. Trialdruid

    EU EU Activity on the Rise!

    It was sarcasm, he has personal vendetta against me 'cause I refuse to spec displacer or refuse to play the style he wants me to play and publicly called him out for being a douchebag ( and for disagreeing with his opinions )
  4. Trialdruid

    EU EU Activity on the Rise!

    I literally speed pot cap to get horde rid of these shit teams lol otherwise the game would have gone on for much longer
  5. Trialdruid

    EU+US Top 5 most overrated & underrated players

    In descending order( 1. being the player with the least skill in overrated list & vica versa ) Overrated 1. Vianco 2. Ridwane 3. Anarchism 4. Arkant 5. Hardbass Underrated 1. Zolbef 2. Phonebook 3. Sputnick 4. Blackout 5. Ondura/Nayani/Mesikämmen
  6. Trialdruid

    EU EU Activity on the Rise!

    19 pop 18:51 CET
  7. Trialdruid

    EU+US Do you still have your very 1st Tink @ 19? SS's?

    I dont wanna be that guy but it cant be 8 years from that moment if it was from 2009 2009 + 8 = 2017
  8. Trialdruid

    EU+US Best Unknown BG Exploiter

    lol jump thread and no Mvq comment, what a time to be alive
  9. Trialdruid

    EU Information on European Cup

    for anyone who wants TLDW he said "around february" or something along the lines
  10. Trialdruid

    EU Current state of EU 19s

    dw dev, it will get better
  11. Trialdruid

    EU Current state of EU 19s

  12. Trialdruid

    EU Current state of EU 19s

    I can't really blame you for doing this, I used to do this vs 6 to 10 man TL premades when they used to group queue with skype and farm gy 8 hours a day without any intention to cap the flag vs new players who were shit No one is winning in these kind of games if people keep playing like this...
  13. Trialdruid

    EU+US USA vs EU, who is better?

    finally western who gets it
  14. Trialdruid

    EU We're coming, 19's.

    i wish it had stayed that way... ironically i'm only making it worse just bury this shit six feet under edit: English is hard
  15. Trialdruid

    EU+US A Riddle! With a reward! Who gets it first!

    dev pls.. spam posting is getting sad now : (
  16. Trialdruid

    US Jamesb vs Saxxon

    who gives a flying fk