I'm beginning to think you weren't even there?
All the players I mentioned were sat in Elwyn Forest, doing Wargames for an hour+ after pops died?
I'll say it again, if you all queued up instead of doing Wargames we would of had some competitive games.
I apologise, Baldi was on his Shaman, not Red.
Phonebook is BiS, Bungs is BiS, Cerial is BiS, Hydration is BiS, Avj/Dzl are close to being BiS? Red, Dotcom, Nick, Imsdw?
Red, Dotcom, Nick, Cerial, Bungs, Phonebook, Vesparian, 2 Hunters, can't remember the names, Artokn, Boomkin beginning with i, there was a priest also.
That's the thing, that wasn't true. I logged a char on Aggramar to see who was online and the majority of them were people who had transfered chars with bis or close to bis gear.
I'm telling you for a fact, the people you had online at the time could of queued and gave a competitive game.
Yes, and the people who were doing wargames had gear, whats your point?
Edit: And i'm pretty sure 7+ close to BiS players can put up a competitive game against 4 BiS characters no?
The game in which we used scrolls Bios only had 4 people in the game. You had 10+ people in the guild 5 minutes after the pops stopped.
Ofcourse losing demotivates you, but why not get your 10+ members to queue up in the first place rather then dodging because 2 people used scrolls?
You guys...
The hilarious thing is, only 2 of the 5 people who were queueing in TL actually used scrolls.
The pops stopped due to Bios refusing to queue.
5 minutes after Bios had 10+ online and were doing WSG Wargames, yet we're the one killing pops?
Bios could of easily got 7+ (including 2 Shamans who...