Search results

  1. WTB lvl 10 - 14 rare gear

    Depend's Pm me what realm's the items are on and the price you are selling them for.
  2. WTB massive very rare GF'ed items via golds

    Re: WTB massive very rare GF'ed items via Paypal or golds I got Woodworking Gloves, assassin's blade and Blackened defias leggings Pm if your interested :)
  3. Want some people to talk to.

    Come on people im bored :O
  4. Level 10-14 Armory Thread

    Dódgé @ Draenor - Community - World of Warcraft >in progress<
  5. Need help looking for a guild.

    Atm in 2 days i have only seen 1 person log on : \
  6. Interested in continuing with Scum?

    I like what your doing to the bracket keep it coming, sadly im not US but goodluck
  7. Need help looking for a guild.

    Can someone tell me active guilds on Draenor for 10 - 14 please, Alliance or Horde.
  8. LF active guild

    Hey, im looking for a decent active level 10 - 14 twink guild any realm have got experience with this bracket Prefer the guild to be on draenor My level 10 twinks atm: Dódgé @ Draenor - Community - World of Warcraft Bã @ The Sha'tar - Community - World of Warcraft
  9. WTS various items

    Pm'ed you
  10. It has been born.

    You measured your penis with a shrimp? :S
  11. WTS various items

  12. WTB lvl 10 - 14 rare gear

    Bump still looking for them all
  13. Talon of Vultros

    Pm me how much you want for it. :)
  14. Looking for things to do on my lvl 10 rogue

    None of them work for me :(
  15. Want some people to talk to.

    Im looking for people to play with since im getting pretty bored by myself, just looking to have some fun with people. Pm me you Battle.tag if your interested :o
  16. MindThrust Bracers Frostmane EU

    Selling Mindthrust Bracers 2000g Want the gold on Draenor Alliance or Horde
  17. Looking for things to do on my lvl 10 rogue

    I dont want to farm them and not have anything to do with them. :P
  18. WTS various items

  19. WTB lvl 10 - 14 rare gear

  20. Looking for things to do on my lvl 10 rogue

    I have recently started playing my old level 10 but im not sure what to do on him, can someone give me idea's please? :D Dódgé @ Draenor - Community - World of Warcraft ^ Armory